View Full Version : A new and different problem
Honorary Bloke
18th July 2007, 07:37 AM
Since late yesterday, the forum has changed for me in a bizarre way. Everything and I mean everything is treated as a hyperlink. All the thread titles, people, number of replies, everything is underlined and when clicked on produces the little Hand signifying it recognises the words as a link, whether it is or not.
Even this post is a problem because the only way I can move the cursor while typing is with the directional arrows--the mouse just shows a Hand for linking and nothing happens.
I know this may not be very clear but it is very strange and very annoying. I have changed no settings. It does not happen on other web sites. Any mates have any ideas? I have sent an e-mail but I need your expertise to help solve this problem.
18th July 2007, 08:13 AM
It seems ok at this end as far as the cursor goes but all the headers for the forums are underlined. Will get Neil to have a look.
18th July 2007, 08:43 AM
My cursor acts, or rather, fails to act, like the Honorary Bloke's.
Jim Carroll
18th July 2007, 08:47 AM
To post a reply I had to first put the cursor in the title square then tab to the reply section.
Never had to do that before.
No settings changed my end either.:no:
18th July 2007, 08:47 AM
Ditto, doing some strange things thismorning, took 2 goes to reply.
Cliff Rogers
18th July 2007, 08:58 AM
Same here, it started last night & is not consistent.
The edit function works fine but making a new post is not easy.
I found that if I right click in the message pane & select all, then I can left click to position the cursor. Data entry works fine til I want to reposition the cursor & then I have to do the select all trick again.
The arrow keys work to reposition the cursor but the mouse pointer doesn't.
18th July 2007, 09:14 AM
Arrrghhh Me Too :( So, back to the keyboard and less mousing :rolleyes:
Honorary Bloke
18th July 2007, 09:34 AM
Thank you. I thought I was going insane. (Well, I AM insane, but feared I had lost the plot entirely. ) If Wendy has it, it must be a real problem. If Cliff has it, it MIGHT be a problem, or it might be Cliff. :D :D :rolleyes:
18th July 2007, 09:38 AM
I had no problem last night, wee smalls of thismorning or now.
What browsers aye you all using????
I amusing Firefox and can't get it to go wrong.
OK got the problem with Opera and Explorer. Hopefully this will go through.
Will get Steven to look at it ASAP
18th July 2007, 10:05 AM
IE 6 on Windows XP, just cleared cookies and temporary internet files - still the same problem showing up.
18th July 2007, 10:31 AM
Firefox and no problems problems problems problems problems.:q
Al :)
18th July 2007, 10:38 AM
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Honorary Bloke
18th July 2007, 10:41 AM
Firefox and no problems problems problems problems problems.:q
Al :)
Finally got a cursor. So curse you, you old brickie. The world does not use Firefox. :D Anyhow, if Wendy is distraught (which she is) I should hope you blokes would sort it.
18th July 2007, 10:44 AM
Mine has all the underlining but curser fine. Hassle with reply box though, but seems to work if you click on the Switch editor mode in upper right corner (the two As next to the spell corrector).
But if I go back to correct something I have typed I have to use the navigator arrows. Glad it is not just me.
18th July 2007, 10:47 AM
Using Firefox and XP with no problems.
18th July 2007, 10:47 AM
Interesting effects.
Started last night.
IE 7.
Thought I was going troppo so went to bed.......
Big Shed
18th July 2007, 10:48 AM
Finally got a cursor. So curse you, you old brickie. The world does not use Firefox. :D Anyhow, if Wendy is distraught (which she is) I should hope you blokes would sort it.
Bloke, the world may not, but I have done for some time, and I am here to tell you that Firefox is a much better browser than Mickysofts' pathetic effort.
Oh, and I don't have any problems either!:p
18th July 2007, 10:52 AM
Yep mee to.... unfortunately I havn't loaded firefox on this machine yet.
Glad I read this thread rather than starting my own.
all sorts of stuff underlined in red an the mouse dont work properly in the posting window.
I don't have windows set to auto update.
18th July 2007, 10:53 AM
Cant reply with IE.
The forum looks like one of my old school books after the teacher has corrected all the mistakes with a red pen. :doh:
Al :q
Bleedin Thumb
18th July 2007, 10:58 AM
Mine suddenly come good looks like the problems gone away.
Honorary Bloke
18th July 2007, 11:22 AM
Let us sing a verse of the hallelujah chorus. :D All fixed.
18th July 2007, 11:35 AM
Using Safari 2.0.4 on a MAc with 10.4.9. Can only just reply to PM and threads of of now. Bewteen a 1/4 hour ago up until late last night everytime I tried to respond to something be it a mouse click in the reply panel or keyboard stroke it would refresh the screen and take me back to the homepage.
Damn Gremlins :~ someone should :minigun: 'em.