View Full Version : Door Bell

Metal Head
14th July 2007, 04:42 PM

It has come to light over the past few weeks that some people (not all cold callers) have been to our house only for me to not hear them when I am in either the computer room (the furthest away from the front door) or outside in the garage.

Is it possible to add on another ring box at the end part of the house? or will I have to purchase a set off two door bells as well as two bell pressers (if it is possible)?

Is there any other ways that members have dreamed up as an alternative? no I will not use a fog horn:wink: :).


14th July 2007, 05:26 PM
I hunted around and got 2 wireless door bells on the same frequency.
So one button sets both the house and the shed alarms off.

Forgotten where I got them, but they were el cheapo

14th July 2007, 06:11 PM

It has come to light over the past few weeks that some people (not all cold callers) have been to our house only for me to not hear them when I am in either the computer room (the furthest away from the front door) or outside in the garage.

Is it possible to add on another ring box at the end part of the house? or will I have to purchase a set off two door bells as well as two bell pressers (if it is possible)?

Is there any other ways that members have dreamed up as an alternative? no I will not use a fog horn:wink: :).


I had the same problem and now I have 3 ringers of the same doorbell. One for the normal part of the house, one for next to my office and one outside the workshop.

The doorbell was powered with a standard 12v doorbell transformer which was not powerfull enough to run any extra ringers, so rather than buy the expensive (about $ 80) doorbell transformer recommended by the manufacturers I used one of those 12v outdoor light transformers that came in garden lighting kits from Kmart and Bunnings.

That tip came from one of the friendly Bunnings staff and as I have a few of those to spare it cost nothing for the transformer.

BTW it is cheaper to buy the extra ringers in a new battery powered set and throw away the pushbutton rather than buy extra ringers from the manufacturer.


14th July 2007, 06:43 PM

I was about to post a thread similar to this tonight. I often have the issue where I am down working in the garage with the doors closed (to cut down noise - yes I consider the neighbours ;)).

My mates all know to bang on the door if the car is in the drive & I don't answer the house doorbell, but the missus got rather upset with me this arvo when she got home & found the avon lady had been, left a card, and I never heard the bell.....:doh:

So I'll be off to bunnies tomorrow, and god knows I reckon it will take me all of 4 or 5 hours of "browsing" in there to find the right bits to keep her happy :U:U

David L
17th July 2007, 08:51 PM
When the ringer on my bell conked out I bought another door bell of the same brand and by changing the frequency on the original one I now have two bells with one ringer. One in the house the other in my workshop.

17th July 2007, 09:44 PM
I like the idea of the two bells.

At the moment, if the person is not invited, or does not know us, then they can stand at the front door like a stale bottle of beer.

17th July 2007, 11:06 PM
David L, are you going to let us in on the secret of changing the frequency? :-

How do you do that?