View Full Version : Help & advice

14th July 2007, 12:25 AM
I've been around a little bit,, a long time ago,, used to make some furniture. I was right into 16th century type stuff and the technic and methods used in that era. I haven't had much experience with MDF but now need some advice. I have a home brew kit and needed a Quick drying rack for my bottles. I had some MDF offcuts that I cut holes in to hold the bottles. two boards that hold 20 bottles each. I was more interested in the beer, and didn't think far enough ahead. Was just a quick project but looks better than intended.
I need to know if you can coat the boards with vegi oil, like a kitchen cutting board, or if I should mayby use polyurethane. ;;; or some other method. Remember, this was just a fly by night,, not furniture , doesn't have to last forever...... but if it did, Wow. Thanks anyone!!!!!!!

14th July 2007, 02:22 PM
A coupla coats of poly (all over & inside out)
and it'll handle any moisture

if you leave it raw it can end up looking like used blotting paper in a few years

14th July 2007, 09:20 PM
I have stained and lacquered MDF just as I would any other timber and you can give it a real timber look with a special graining tool (you can get them from Bunnings) and comes out looking like real timber. I have used this method when I made a filing cabinet which required a large fronts on the drawers and it was too costly to use solid timber the size I needed for the job.
MDF also paints up really well and gives a nice smooth finish

14th July 2007, 10:08 PM
Thanks for your prompt reply and advice Echnidna. John also replied and I thank him too. I'm new at this computer stuff, still feeling my way around this forum. This was created as a quick reply after clicking your icon, don't know if John will get to read this. thanks again for your help.

14th July 2007, 10:17 PM
Thanks for your reply and help John. The graining tool you mention sounds interesting, must check it out. I'm new to the computer thing, just learning my way around this forum. Posted a quick reply to you and echnidna, don't know if only you, or everyone can read this. Thanks again for your help. regards Jezza

19th July 2007, 02:24 PM
Yep we can all read it. :)