View Full Version : To ledger or not ledger

8th July 2007, 08:45 PM
Hi Folks,

I added a large extension to the back of the house and for both the deck and house joists I picked up the existing struture so all the new joists sat on the existing bearer (aside from a couple where I did install a small ledger).

About to add the deck at the front and I notice that everything talks about using a ledger and then connecting joists to that however I can pick up the existing bearer (slight check at the end of the joist to get the right floor level) so the question is to ledger or not ledger?

Personally I was just gonna pick up the existing structure but thought I would ask the question.

Also how did you finish and exposed corner? If you refer to the attached pic I will have my bearers runnning parallel to the house. When I cut of the joists I will finish with an end piece however as I will run the end joist on the outside (which will have the finish peice mitered and run the the house) however isn't going to go down to the bearer level so as I wont have an end bearer how should I finish it (just 90 x 90)?

Thanks in advance

8th July 2007, 09:09 PM
I would pick up the existing bearer so long as it is big enough and dosn't require too much extra work ie removing external cladding.
I'm not quite sure what you mean with your second question but I think you want to cover the end of the bearer. If so I somtimes run a fascia board the depth of joist + bearer around the deck.

8th July 2007, 09:24 PM
Pick up the existing bearer if you can...check whether it can take the extra load of the deck or whether you need to strengthen it....

As for your other question i'll guess at what your after

If you don't want to see the end of the bearer under the last joist then put another on the inside hard up against the post and just bolt the other one to the post with no bearer as it will only be cosmetic with all the load on the other then run a facia the same size as the joist ends across all your ends.... You could also stop house the bearer and leave the last 10mm of the post on in your housing .... A bit more work but no visible end grain

cheeers Utemad

8th July 2007, 09:48 PM
Thanks folks - Will go with picking up the existing bearer.

Second question just one of looks. As the joist and bearer was 270mm I assume not all of the end bearer would be covered on that corner with whatever I used to finish the deck (Refer attached) whereas it would have looked better if the bearer was returned to the wall.