View Full Version : Manual for Martec oil column heater reqd

25th June 2007, 09:46 PM

Have some friends who bought a "Four Seasons by Martec" oil column heater, model FOH 2411T from a local market.

It is a 2400w unit with 3 power settings, a timer, and thermostat.

I have explained to them how it works, but they would like a copy of the original owners manual (probably sez something about my communication skills :p )

I have contacted Martec on the phone & via email, but they "have had a company restructure, are now an internet based business, and only do fans now. Sorry, can't help." :(

Would anyone happen to have a copy of the destructions that they could scan & send to me?


25th June 2007, 10:25 PM
G'day Sean,
went to the manuals & warranty file box, but our manual appears to have vapourised.
The one thing I do remember is that it didn't work straight out of the box, as it had been laid on its side during transit, and the tilt switch had stuck in the "tilt" position. Sort of a weighted pendulum device with a micro-switch attached. A quick fiddle, and away it went.

26th June 2007, 10:52 PM
Goodonya Noel, thanks for the thought anyway. :)
