View Full Version : Seizing Control - Warning... Politics!

22nd June 2007, 07:37 AM
We must be in an election year,


Of course as the powers and money continues to get stripped from the states we will all soon have his picture on the wall and start the day singing some facist anthem,

Yes the indigenous community has real issues, just sh#ts me that this grandstanding PM subverts established constitutional processes.

Remember "Children Overboard"!


22nd June 2007, 07:58 AM
Noel Pearson's ideas really.
And even though I hate the ba$tard, I have to applaud the move. If labour oppose it in parliament they will be open for scathing attack.
And I think we should abolish the state governents

22nd June 2007, 08:23 AM
It is what the political class does, it is a quest for power and money and to run every aspect of your life. CONTROL, complete and total CONTROL is what they crave and will have at any cost no matter what or whom they have to sell to get it.

I found a quote that rather sums it up for me:

"The problem with our politics is that the people who can get elected president are the people we wouldn't want as president." --Frank Cagle.

What we need is statesmen and to get rid of the political elite. Defined as follows:

Politician: What can *I* get out of it *NOW*?

Statesman: How will this affect the country in 50 years?

Not on your side of the pond, but the "power over" sickness is not limited to anywhere.

Seriously sad and dangerous state of affairs to be sure :(.

22nd June 2007, 10:02 AM
Yes the indigenous community has real issues, just sh#ts me that this grandstanding PM subverts established constitutional processes.

Actually he isn't subverting established constitutional processes, but he is using powers granted to the Commonwealth parliament to override laws in territories and in this case it is good that they do to ensure that the abuse of young children ceases.

The NT and the ACT are not states and all their laws are subject to review by, and possible disallowance, the Commonwealth parliament.

Has happened before and no doubt it will happen again.


22nd June 2007, 10:09 AM
Actually he isn't subverting established constitutional processes, but he is using powers granted to the Commonwealth parliament to override laws in territories and in this case it is good that they do to ensure that the abuse of young children ceases.

The NT and the ACT are not states and all their laws are subject to review by, and possible disallowance, the Commonwealth parliament.

Has happened before and no doubt it will happen again.


And in any event the 1967 referendum gave the Feds power to make laws with respect to the aboriginal people which , in the event of conflict over-ride applicable state laws (although the Feds aren't trying to that now).

My main concern (as a grandson of the judge (http://www.austlii.edu.au//cgi-bin/disp.pl/au/cases/cth/HCA/1959/13.html?query=raabe)who had to send Albert Namatjira to gaol for breaking the anti-supply of alcohol laws in the late 1950s) is that these sorts of laws are really hard to enforce properly and often give rise to really bad situations when they are enforced poorly (as they almost certainly will).

Andy Mac
22nd June 2007, 10:45 AM
I guess someone had to make a move, there has been enough warning about all this, but in true election mode, it has be done now!? I remain unconvinced on his motives or timing...:(

Wood Borer
22nd June 2007, 12:06 PM
This smells very much like a kid offering to clean the blackboard, pick up papers in the playground and empty the classroom rubbish bins on the day the teacher writes the school reports.

Teachers with more than half a brain rate the kids on the term's efforts and not what the kid did in the hours prior to the report being written.

As adults we can see through this childish transparent behaviour and smile as we remember having similar ideas when we were immature and thought our teachers were easily fooled.

22nd June 2007, 12:21 PM
just sh#ts me that this grandstanding PM subverts established constitutional processes.

The territories (ACT, Jervis Bay and the NT) are all under the control of the commonwealth, they are allowed to self govern and this can be taken away at any time.

At least they are doing something. :)

22nd June 2007, 12:23 PM
Actually he isn't subverting established constitutional processes, but he is using powers granted to the Commonwealth parliament to override laws in territories and in this case it is good that they do to ensure that the abuse of young children ceases.

The NT and the ACT are not states and all their laws are subject to review by, and possible disallowance, the Commonwealth parliament.

Has happened before and no doubt it will happen again.


Yep what peter said:)

22nd June 2007, 01:05 PM
When they start putting cameras in your home
find somewhere they cant see you ,thats a happy place
QUOTE///They have alwas been our enermy

22nd June 2007, 02:12 PM
And of course its political :)

And if any of us were in politics I bet we would do the same.

22nd June 2007, 03:38 PM
And of course its political :)

And if any of us were in politics I bet we would do the same.NO

Dr. No
22nd June 2007, 03:44 PM

22nd June 2007, 04:10 PM
As I've said before in this forum, I lean to the left in politics. But I don't care about politics or timing in this case.
Good on the PM for jumping on this problem. :2tsup:

I was also happy with the way he pulled in all of the guns after Port Arthur. Some things just trancend day to day politics, and the problem of abuse against children of any colour is one such instance.

22nd June 2007, 04:22 PM

22nd June 2007, 11:33 PM
I don't know if it's good or bad.

But why wait eleven years to do it?

23rd June 2007, 12:12 AM
I don't know if it's good or bad.

But why wait eleven years to do it?

I thought the extent of such abuse has only recently been revealed. I don't think it was known 11 years ago.

23rd June 2007, 06:41 AM
The abuse has been known about for over twenty years. Neither L flavour government has had the b@lls to tackle it. The abuse is a consequence of a whole bunch of factors including the invasion. Given the lack of consultation with the affected communities, the proposal of prohibition etc the very move smacks of abuse itself. That said, the affected comminities need the support to catch these criminals and to get them out of society altogether. Aboriginal men need to stand up as men (the women have been carrying the society for generations) an clean up their society.

My issue is the grandstanding because its an election year. Get ready for more of these stunts as the big day out approaches...... from both sides.


23rd June 2007, 10:04 PM
Its really a sad mess :( . And I imagine it will not be fixed for a loooong time, maybe a few generations.

23rd June 2007, 11:11 PM
How come you all care now?? I don't recall anything on these forums before about this subject. Now the PM is doing something about it, almost all of you become critics and try and influence other peoples thoughts. Personally, I dont give two knobs of goat shyte about the N.T or its problems. Got enough crap going on down here.

23rd June 2007, 11:21 PM
We must be in an election year,


Of course as the powers and money continues to get stripped from the states we will all soon have his picture on the wall and start the day singing some facist anthem,

Yes the indigenous community has real issues, just sh#ts me that this grandstanding PM subverts established constitutional processes.

Remember "Children Overboard"!


The aboriginal problems were bought to Howards attention five years ago ,but he chose to ignore them .
But because its an election year he has decided it a good time to grandstand ,and big note himself , this is just another Tampa ,WMD ,affair for Howard .I dont think he really gives a toss about aboriginal kids.
If he did he would have done something a lot sooner.


24th June 2007, 06:13 PM
How come you all care now?? I don't recall anything on these forums before about this subject. Now the PM is doing something about it, almost all of you become critics and try and influence other peoples thoughts. Personally, I dont give two knobs of goat shyte about the N.T or its problems. Got enough crap going on down here.

What, babies being raped in Tasmania, hadn't heard about it :?

24th June 2007, 06:19 PM
I thought the extent of such abuse has only recently been revealed. I don't think it was known 11 years ago.

Sorry I have to disagree.

Up until fairly recently I have employed an Aboriginal brickies labourer, it wasnt for long, maybe 3 months but I knew him from a brickie mate for about 6 months, so all up about 9 months.

He is one of the best blokes I know and I have been honoured to have him work for me, I am also honoured to have be told about the things he told me about his race and their situation.

This abuse has been going on since he was a boy, he is about 45, so its been going on for a while.

Some of the stories he told me left me in shock that such things can occur in these enlightened times.

Im going to stop here as I can feel the blood starting to boil.

Al :)

1st July 2007, 05:16 PM
If he did he would have done something a lot sooner.

But that's really neither here nor there, action is now being taken, that is what mattes