View Full Version : Applying Artificial Figure

15th June 2007, 08:56 AM
I've seen artifical figure / burl applied to walnut gunstocks and would like to try it on give on a venier table top. does anybody here know how it is applied and what is used to put the black into the finish.


15th June 2007, 04:18 PM
There's a good article on artificial grain and marbleing affects on the Flood Company website at http://www.floodaustralia.net/products/fauxfinishing.htm. I'm not sure that's what you're after.

16th June 2007, 09:11 AM
Hi Knurl,
That's sort of what I'm looking for. The job I want to apply it to is a fearly plain piece of walut venier that I want to put more contrast into the lines in the grain on the surface. Would it be posible to put on a dark stain and let it soak into the softer areas then wipe it off to achieve the type of finish I'm looking for.

19th June 2007, 12:06 AM
Hi Hammersmith

I recently made a lamp base with very ho-hum Tassie Oak. I rubbed it over with black stain, then immediately sanded it so that the stain darkened the grainlines but not the surface.I finished it with Danish oil and dark wax. Everyone comments on the exotic timber and asks what it is! But don't use too much stain, or leave it too long, or you'll be out in the shed sanding til way past bedtime.

Toymaker Len
19th June 2007, 01:05 AM
I,ve just recently seen a figured oak sset of drawers which has been beautifully artificially 'grained'. Looks like a dark shellac is applied then combed into light and dark bands so as to look like grain. Looked just like oak. I think it is a technique for very plain timbers.