View Full Version : What type of drawers are these?

14th June 2007, 01:58 PM
Hi everybody..

I've look and figured this was the best thread to post this in.. The following set of drawers have lived on my veranda for 15 years. I do not know the origin, type or age of this set. I was hoping you smart folk would be able to help me out. I'm planning to fully restore it over the next month or so since I'll have a bit of spare time on my hands.

Thanks for the help,


14th June 2007, 02:37 PM
G'day Dylan and welcome aboard.

Probably not of much help, but, you are really starting at/in the deep end from the looks of the pix.

The bottom drawer front will be a major problem from the look of the warp, the cracked feet, I think can only be filled as the cracks will never return to "normal". The back appears to be very roughly put together and makes me wonder as to whether this is the same inside the drawers etc.

I guess what I'm suggesting is this, is it worth the time and effort? and still end up with something which is not ever going to be an hierloom piece. If it is for finishing practice then go for it.

If you really feel that the piece is a "keeper" then I would look at getting some professional advice from a commercial finisher. The contributors to this board are brilliant [not me, I'm only a novice in the finishing area] in what they do and advise but it is difficult when you only have a few pix to look at.

Just my 2c worth.
