View Full Version : Video-capable MP3 player (eg iPod Video)

12th June 2007, 10:05 PM
I have been playing a lot with the whole vodcast (video podcast) environment while I was "in my other place", and I'm definitely interested in taking this further in parallel with our forum video section (non-commercial fwiw).

However, before bothering to go any further, I guess I need to gauge just how much inroad there is in the forums of the hardware that is the basis of all this.

So the question is: who has a video capable portable player (and uses/would like to use it as such).

BTW - vodcast / podcast. It is a whole new delivery mechanism for video, and way of watching them.
You have all sorts of options, but in a nutshell, you can set it so when new video becomes available, it downloads to your computer. It is then loaded onto your portable device (eg iPod) so you can watch it. Video is currently between 320x240 and 640x480 depending on the capacity of your device (and PSPs (for example) have a different resolution, but I believe can handle this sort of technology) which although the screen is small, is remarkably watchable.

I currently convert videos (such as our forum ones), DVDs, and slideshows into a format which is iPod friendly

The format is mp4, which is like mp3 for video. Also can be seen as m4v, and a few other suffixes.

If you have any other questions, well I guess you know who you can ask!

Sir Stinkalot
12th June 2007, 10:27 PM
I have just found a bunch of woodworking vodcasts thanks to a post on these forums the other day. As I only have dial up at home I have started to download them at work through Itunes :)

I look forward to getting them home to have a look. I assume they will play without a problem on the laptop and I will be looking at putting them onto DVD through Divx. No idea if it will work but I am looking forward to trying.

15th June 2007, 01:31 PM
At this stage, I'm guessing then, that there will be little to no interest in the forum videos being available as podcasts.

Must admit, I'm a little surprised given how popular the videos have been in the past, and how popular, in other circles, podcasts (and vodcasts) have become. It isn't like there is a cost involved to the recipient - not everything in iTunes costs money!

Big Shed
15th June 2007, 01:55 PM
I have a Chinese made 1Gb MP4 player, includes an FM tuner, and it plays video. Other than the little demo videos I have never used it to watch video.

Got it off Ebay to see what all the fuss with MP3 players was all about, has a built in Lithium battery, which last exactly one hour, not very useful for a player that stores hours of music etc.

But what did I expect for $28, including delivery?:rolleyes:

15th June 2007, 09:51 PM
G'day Stuart,

I voted that I have a PSP or something else like it and reguarly watch podcasts.

Not quite, but each Monday I watch the latest podcast from Woodwhisper.com on my Mac as I start the working week. They're a great tool for learning new stuff, so I'd be in. :2tsup: