View Full Version : Seal-a-Cell and Arm-R-Seal

7th June 2007, 04:22 PM
I dont know how many of you watch David Marks - Wood Works but he is the closest thing i have to a mentor. i have never had any training in wood working but over the years it has become my favourite hobby. i was lucky enough to acquire a number of DVD's of his show and have been learning from them ever since. i am still trying to come up with a finish that i like (and sometimes i wonder if i ever will!!!!). after trying a few different things i thought "why not do what my mentor does?". David Marks used Seal-a-Cell after sanding to 320 grit followed by Arm-R-Seal buffing with 0000 steel wook between coats. so my question is, where can i buy these products in Australia? I would appreciate any help i can get.

9th June 2007, 01:47 AM
Sorry but I don't think you'll get it anywhere in Australia and no use ordering it from the US because I doubt it would be able to be shipped to Aus.

Cheers - Neil :)

12th June 2007, 08:52 AM
If you can't get the General products in AU, I suggest you consider using the following for an initial sealer coat: 1 part marine varnish, preferably urathane based, 1 part tung oil, genuine tung oil, and 2 parts turpentine. For the top coats use more varnish in the mix. If you prefer a harder finish, then use polyurathane rather than marine varnish. You should use gloss varnish for all but the final coat. This will give you a finish that is very much like the one David Marks uses, at least to my eye.

12th June 2007, 02:35 PM
Thanks for the info guys. i believe you are right, i doubt that they will ship this stuff out to australia, but the mix sounds promising. i will definitely try this on my next project.

12th June 2007, 05:31 PM
Neil is too reserved. If he won't blow his own trumpet, I will. Get onto U-Beaut's website, buy Neil's book, get finishing with U-Beaut!!!

12th June 2007, 05:44 PM
Neil is too reserved. If he won't blow his own trumpet, I will. Get onto U-Beaut's website, buy Neil's book, get finishing with U-Beaut!!!


Al :)