View Full Version : Tas Oak lining boards in bathroom

31st May 2007, 03:52 PM

I am about to use 133 mm wide Tas. Oak tongue and groove lining boards for the walls and ceiling in my bathroom renovation.

The reason I am using timber boards is because the house is solid brick and the condition of the existing walls and cornices is poor due to cracks caused by the dry soil conditions, previous rising damp, removal of ceramic wall tiles and installation of a new window.

I cannot do solid plastering and even if I got a plasterer in to do it, it would no doubt crack again when the soil conditions return to normal.
I figure that timber panelling will flex with any movement and any future movement will not show up too badly.

Anyhow my current dillema is whether to seal each board with Estapol all around before installation or not.

The instructions that came with the Tillings boards says to seal all over before installation (and only touch up as required after installation) so that the Tongue and Grooves don't get "glued" together and possibly cause splitting if there is any expansion or contraction of the boards later.

However the manufacturer of the panelling adhesive (Bostik Ultraset SF) says not to use Estapol (or any coating) where the adhesive is required. i.e. it requires timber to timber contact to bond properly. This means that I would have to mask off on each board where the support battens are located which will be very tedious.

Does anyone have any suggestions re (1) Using UltraSet SF Flexible timber adhesive over a finished Estapol surface and (2) If finishing timber panelling with Estapol after installation causes later splitting ?


31st May 2007, 04:15 PM
I'd seal all over first with a thinned finish so it soaks right in.

1st June 2007, 12:08 PM
I think I'd check with Bostik to see if you have the most appropriate adhesive for the job at hand.....I have my doubts.

1st June 2007, 03:52 PM
I rang Bostik, but being Friday PM there was no one there whom could give a sensible answer !

UltraSet SF was recommended by the timber supplier (WestWood at Boronia).

It is described as a flexible polyurethane timber flooring adhesive.

What adhesive do you recommend , particularly for the ceiling panels.?

The 1.4 x 25 mm panel pins supplied don't look like they would support much weight . Luckily at the end of each length of panelling I can use a more substantial nail as it will be hidden by the wall panels
/timber quad cornicing.

Anyway I will be experimenting with some timber offcuts to see how good the adhesive is but this means I will have to wait until the adhesive cures, so I won't be doing any panelling work this weekend !!
