View Full Version : Filling Redgum
15th August 2000, 12:14 PM
I am making some cheese platters out of redgum and it has that crumbling black resin that gives it some character. I want to fill the gaps where this falls out and I am not sure what to use. Any thoughts, I am aware that there is an epoxy product available but I do not know what it is, I am also burnishing the boards and not applying a poly finish.
Roger Peine
19th August 2000, 04:25 PM
You could give polyesther resin ago .
Other people on past posts have suggested using a clear casting resin. Personally i have only used the Polyesther resin .
It's reasonably inexpensive too .
21st August 2000, 05:33 PM
For small areas, you can use araldite adhesive. However, if you have a lot to do, I'd suggest an epoxy casting resin such as Araldite M, available from Meury Enterprises in Sydney.
To eliminate bubbles, warm gently with a hot air gun (or hair dryer at a pinch).
Marty Lott
22nd August 2000, 01:08 AM
I've used Button Shellac melted with beeswax with some earth pigments for the colour. It's non-toxic which may be good in your situation. Let me know if you need more info on the technique...
22nd August 2000, 05:52 PM
Thanks for the responses I shall try all of the above and note them for future reference, I shall be interested to see how they sand up.
Rod Smith
22nd August 2000, 09:38 PM
What about plastic filler like car bog or plasti-bond. Tint to the desired colour.
13th September 2000, 01:51 PM
I have used a two pack epoxy glue from wagon paints(Rhino Industries) in bayswater with good results. It dries to a clear glass like finish (Make sure you have no air bubbles in it.