View Full Version : Wood fetish............

4th August 2003, 01:19 AM
To all of us who have slowly or even swiftly shifted our atentions to a mere splintery symbol of our fetish and bypassing the bedroom with out passing go and not collecting $200 and strait for our refuge with our new love or old love in the shed and stroking our beloved machines and tenderly feeling our timber like it is a new love afair letting our imagination go wild for what we can craft our beloved timber into next.....................well there is a name for us who fit into the above description.........................
we are called..........DENDRAPHILIACS.

4th August 2003, 10:22 AM
SWMBO just calls it a 'FAD'

journeyman Mick
4th August 2003, 11:34 PM
Tasman, (guess I'm being picky here, but) shouldn't that be a "dendraphile", one who loves wood? I think a dendraphiliac would be one that is diseased by/with/from timber. Any Latin scholars or doctors on board?


5th August 2003, 08:58 AM
Dendraphile is a lover of wood.
Dendraphiliac is the sufferer of uncontrollable bleeding when a splinter is removed from part of the body (or chisel, drill bit etc as long as it happened in association with WW):p

John Saxton
5th August 2003, 09:36 PM
That's why 's on holiday!