View Full Version : Mould resistant coating.
13th May 2007, 05:00 PM
I've just noticed some mould on the slats under our bed - not good for the mattress. They're just untreated pine. I've washed them down with a bit of chlorine and just want to put one coat of anything on them to stop it happening again should things get damp (the bed was in another room temporarily and is getting moved back to the bedroom. It can't be oil as the matress is in contact. It's not visible so doesn't really matter what it looks like.
I'd prefer to use something already sitting in the shed but non of them mention anything about mould resistance - I have some wattyl estapol clear (only half a litre though) and some wattyl estapol exterior clear - pretty old - left by the previous owners. I also have some shellac. And some treatex (too exe to use that though) and in oils - integrain outdoor oil stuff and sikkins HLS. Just thought, I could use an interior oil based paint primer I have - maybe turps'd down some. I don't want it to too thick..
13th May 2007, 06:44 PM
there are a couple of things to consider.
borax is a known mould and insect inhibiter but it can promote corosion.
the flood company make a couple of products.
one that you add to paint of any description and another designed as a prewash for a surface to be painted.
I recon improving the ventilation under the bed would be something worth considering...... afterall thats why beds are off the floor in the firts place...... unfortunately many people..... mostly female think its so stuff can be stored under there..... they also tend to use bed spreds that go all the way to the floor.... closing off all ventilation.
If you wanted to take a punt.
I'd consider soaking the slats in borax... letting them dry and sponging of the excess with a damp sponge.......that way it will get into the timber.
anyway just some thaughts.
13th May 2007, 08:49 PM
After giving it the anti-mold treatment - perhaps borax like Soundman says - coat it with some of the clear finishes or almost any paint that is NOT oil based - the mold (any that survives or arrives later) will live on the oils in the paint, so you want something that is as far from 'food' as possible.
joe greiner
14th May 2007, 12:26 AM
Another candidate would be exterior paint with a mildewcide. IIRC, the ordinary paint uses titanium oxide (or dioxide) as basis. Addition or substitution with zinc oxide is supposed to reduce mildew. Availability might be limited due to environmental restrictions, though.
26th May 2007, 08:25 PM
A belated thanks Soundman and others - should've thought of the Borax myself since we've gone natural around the house recently and have stocked up on that and bicarb and vinegar. Have wiped them down liberally which should be enough.
There was actually nothing stored under it. The bed was in a temporary position in our lounge room while we were doing our floors - we noticed the mould when we pulled it apart to move it and it's going upstairs so shouldn't be a problem. It was stored in the room above our garage for a while so I'm hoping it was from there. Either way, and since our place faces south backing into a short steep hill, it's a good prompt to buy a hygrometer or some sort of moisture meter to use around the house (any suggestions would be great.) We have found mould elsewhere in the house before (in the wardrobe mainly) and although I've been trying to seal gaps and will insulate the underfloor and try to improve ventilation the first you often know about a problem is when something is ruined.
Sorry about going totally off the finishing theme here.