View Full Version : Painting Bricks

10th May 2007, 09:39 PM
Hi all. Has anyone used "Wattyl Solarguard Stone finish" which is a brushable sandy textured finish for many surfaces. I am contemplating painting the front of a small brick shop which is getting tatty from age and having signs attached with liquid nails which has caused a little damage.

I know there are many things that can be done including cement rendering, bagging a finish on etc. Has any one any suggestions.? The idea is only to smarten it up a little.

Regards Mike:wink: :wink:

10th May 2007, 09:49 PM
Piccies man, we need piccies.

Al :)

10th May 2007, 11:12 PM
Used it recently on a fairly large concrete block wall. Went on well and looked good. No complaints from me. It didn't go as far (in terms of coverage) as it said on the can though.

11th May 2007, 07:49 PM
Thanks Ozwinner, Theremin. I will try for some pics over the weekend.

Regards mike:doh: