View Full Version : Where to go fruit picking?

1st May 2007, 10:28 AM
A friend of ours who is in Australia for a few months as part of a languages course wants to head up north and do some fruit picking (apparently that's the thing to do). Never having done it, I have no idea where or how it is done. Could any of the banana benders offer some words of advice?

1st May 2007, 10:48 AM
The best advice would be it's easier to find work in pubs and cafes and the pay's more too! :D

The world wide web however has a myriad of info:


Just for starters!


P (who did a few weeks picking tobacco once, before getting the gig driving the minibus full of tobacco pickers!)

:D :D :D

1st May 2007, 10:52 AM
She's working in a restaurant in Sydney at the moment. I think it's more of an experience thing she's after (or required to do) as part of the curriculum. But I'll pass that on. Thanks!

1st May 2007, 01:36 PM
Check with employment agencies - there is a long route of 'picking' many fruits and vegetables. Some people follow the picking as 'itinerant workers' for years.


Toolin Around
1st May 2007, 01:37 PM
All the back packers usually have place fro emplyers to advertise and or talk to other backpackers

1st May 2007, 01:39 PM
I think if you ask around employment agencies there is seasonal picking card somewhere, which lists which fruits and where.

If she is interested in working in the Far North, then maybe get in touch with the Mareeba and District Fruit and Vegie Organisation. There are around 50 different types of crops in the region and I reckon she could find some work around there somewhere.

1st May 2007, 01:57 PM
OK thanks, will pass all that on.

1st May 2007, 02:06 PM
Of course she has the appropriate visa to allow her to work.......
oh yeh works in a pub already.....
Slow reader today....but quick with questions:D

1st May 2007, 02:24 PM
Yes student visa, all above board. The students of the language course she is doing must spend so many months in various foreign language speaking countries as part of their curriculum. I think it's 10 months here, and then on to a Spanish-speaking country. It is all organised by the university but they have to look after themselves to a certain extent because the whole point is to become fluent in the language and customs of the host country. More young people should do something like it, rather than hanging around in backpacker hostels with Poms!!

Cliff Rogers
1st May 2007, 02:35 PM
Try this mob (http://www.mareebachamber.com.au/qite.php).

1st May 2007, 03:25 PM
Maybe here also

1st May 2007, 03:38 PM
Excellent, thanks. That'll give her something to mull over anyway.

1st May 2007, 04:45 PM
Yes student visa, all above board.

Actually, this has recently been changed.

Following criticism at the number of people working in Australia in breach of visa requirements, the Federal Government has passed the Migration Amendment (Employer Sanctions) Act.

The new legislation, which comes into force in August, shifts the focus from the worker to the employer by creating two new employer offences:
allowing an unlawful non-citizen to work in Australia
allowing a non-citizen to work in breach of a visa condition.

Under the legislation, employers would be required to know, or to be reckless in not ascertaining, whether a person had a right to work in Australia or not. It is also important for employers to ensure that temporary business (457) visa holders only engage in work that is relevant to the conduct of the business or the tasks that are specified in the visa issued.

At last they will not only deport illegal workers but have a go at those irresponsible employers that allow it.


1st May 2007, 05:01 PM
She has a TFN. I'm not sure exactly what nature of visa she has but I would imagine it is appropriate. If you met her you would understand that the idea of doing anything illegal would not cross her mind :) Apart from anything else, she would probably lose her place in the course.

1st May 2007, 05:27 PM
She has a TFN.

Then she is okay as the ATO in granting it would have ascertained that she is entitled to work as part of her visa.

My cautionary words re visas is more to show that the government is finally getting tough on illegal workers. Up to now these workers could never pay the fines and were deported as a matter of course. Now employers will have to dig deep in their pockets as the penalties are expected to be in the 000's for a first offence.


1st May 2007, 05:43 PM
More young people should do something like it, rather than hanging around in backpacker hostels with Poms!!

Hey, what is wrong with Poms? Some of them are perfect gentlemen, but perhaps not that many:)

There are numerous strawberry farms in the Caboolture area, which are always looking for pickers. They pick from May to September. Google "Strawberry picking, Queensland".


journeyman Mick
1st May 2007, 05:56 PM
Banana picking work available 30 mins from me, pretty much year round. Hot and heavy work though with some of the bunches in excess of 100kg. Citrus picking available about 15mins from here, but it's a really good way to scratch the hell out of your arms. PM me if you want details, room and board contacts also.
