View Full Version : Melbourne BBQ/Swap meet?

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17th May 2007, 08:37 PM
TOFU in bold print will bring it back to a more acceptable number

19th May 2007, 09:54 AM
I shall be there, with some of that awful Camphor Laurel (only because I can't work with it:( )

19th May 2007, 05:20 PM
Got room if you need a lift, Iain.

Ship sails 9am sharp.


19th May 2007, 05:22 PM
Got room if you need a lift, Iain.

Ship sails 9am sharp.


Looking up phone number now.......

20th May 2007, 04:28 PM
Thanks for hosting again Al! It was good to meet everyone there, hopefully Dai Sensei now knows most of the MLB mob. We raised a glass to Auld Bassoon too.

dai sensei
20th May 2007, 05:44 PM
Thanks to Al for hosting the BBQ. Had a ball and even came back with more timber than I started with :- , thanks to all that donated stuff :2tsup: . Here's the few pics I took, using my mum's software to reduce photos, sorry not quite what I am used to.

I'll leave it to others to identify names etc as I am hopeless.

Thanks again.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
20th May 2007, 07:07 PM
'Twas a pleasant way to spend a day, even if the weather didn't want to play along.

(I still reckon you could've got away with taking home more wood, Neil... perhaps stuffing the pockets of an old Army great-coat wouldn't have worked, but I'm damned sure you could've stuffed a couple of Iain's Camphour Laurel slabs and more of Groggys RTedgum blanks into a back-pack and claimed it as a parachute "as required by your cheap-asre flight insurance." :D)

I came home with more than I expected, too... bought some pen blanks off DJ and Al very kindly laid on some piano keys that I'll hazard to say are true Ebony and Ivory, along with some assorted timbers including Huon Pine and Black Heart Sassafras. Choice! Also took home one of Dai Sensei's custom awls and some timber he brought with him, a copy of the Polisher's Handbook and a belly full of snags, chops 'n muffins.

(Betchas didn't know Neil cooks a mean choccy muffin! :wink:)

Thanks Al, for putting up with us. Somehow I felt right at home... all it needed was a roof overhead and it'd have been just like my shed. :-

DJ’s Timber
20th May 2007, 07:17 PM
Thanks to Al for the BBQ, I also came home with more timber then I took :o.

Some nice Huon, also some piano keys, bits of Blackwood, Mrytle, Black Heart Sassafras from Al and some Bottlebrush from Neil. Thanks Guys :2tsup:.

And few shots of the boys as well

20th May 2007, 07:18 PM
And it was evident that winter is here or at least very close....
no prizes for guessing who these belong to:D :D :D :D Just got home and tried some of Watsons home brewed barley wine, it's a mean drop and I'm not sure if I like it or not, will have to go back for a few second opinions on the 'Drop Bear Dribble'.
SWMBO tried a drop and said it is the strongest Chardonnay she has ever tried.
Aaaahhhh, the joys of fermented drop bear dribble......

Skew ChiDAMN!!
20th May 2007, 07:20 PM
:rolleyes: So I gotta take the sheep for a walk every now'n'again or they become cantankerous. Alright? :~

20th May 2007, 07:27 PM
Thanks Al,

Excellent day. Pity all them woodworkers were there.


20th May 2007, 08:00 PM
Guys, the pleasure was all mine, thank you for making the effort to travel so far to meet other forumites.
Im glad you all enjoyed it. :2tsup:

Uncle Neil supplied some give aways, so people went home with pens, I still cant work out why it has a red light in it? :?, some Ubeaut polish and EEE, and 2 lucky people went home with the Polishers Hand Book. :2tsup:

Thanks Neil, Im sure they will appreciate the gifts.

We toasted Auld Bassons life with some fine red brought by Watson ( thanks Noel), I later poured the remainder of the bottle on the fire so it will be waiting for Auld in heaven.

I only lit the fire because I knew Neil was from Qld and may have felt the cold. :roll:

Al :)

20th May 2007, 08:17 PM
Thanks Al for putting on the BBQ. Had a great time catching up with some fellow addicts. Hope the auction moves all your stuff next weekend.

20th May 2007, 08:29 PM
Here are a few pictures of the craporium today.

20th May 2007, 08:55 PM
Thanks for the BBQ AL..good day too....nice to meet some new...and old faces.
Well done that man!

20th May 2007, 09:15 PM
Nice pics Grunt...

The Mermaid as I call her is in the net....:U then there is Watson (Noel) and Gra (Neil).

The male torso is a model of me...:U:U:U:U

Al :2tsup:

20th May 2007, 09:22 PM
Hmmm, Names....
Neil's 4th photo

Skew, Groggy, ? , Watson , ? , Al, Gumby, Scooter, Alexs??, ? , er incognito, not quite so incognito..... sorry Gra :rolleyes: '

And Neil was taking this photo.

How'd I do?:?


20th May 2007, 09:29 PM
Im a bugger for names, if my name wasnt sewed into my jocks Id forget it..


Skew, Groggy, ? Gra, Sturdee, Me, Grunt, Scooter, Iain, ?, ?, Watson.

Im really sorry if Ive left you out, it must be an old man memory thing. :-:-

And Neil was taking the photo.

Al :-

Skew ChiDAMN!!
20th May 2007, 09:34 PM
Neil's 4th photo

Skew, Groggy, DJSTimber, Gra, Sturdee, Al, Gumby, Scooter, Iain, ? (I know, but am having a brain fart... :- John?), K_S, Watson

How'd I do?:?

Better than some who attended! :thyel::D

DJ’s Timber
20th May 2007, 09:38 PM
Skew, Groggy, DJ , Gra , Sturdee , Al, Grunt, Scooter, Iain, ? , K S, not quite so incognito..... sorry Watson :rolleyes: '

ps Gumby is in Port Douglas

Cliff Rogers
20th May 2007, 10:01 PM
Fancy calling Grunt, Gumby..... I don't know who would be more insulted. :D

Skew ChiDAMN!!
20th May 2007, 10:07 PM
:doh: I said I was having a brain fart, didn't I? (Almost as bad as my calling Zenwood Zed t'other day! :-:p)

20th May 2007, 10:10 PM
To all plasticine in the world, I humbly apologise!!:- Sorry Iain, Watson, Gra, K S, Sturdee, DJ and, and.... :doh::no: nuh, forgot the last one again.... :p :D

20th May 2007, 10:22 PM
Funny thing Wendy is that we all look cold.....and most are trying to grow the "winter coat" ......just like other non acclimatised ferals.
ps.....cross threading.....Love the curtains!!!

20th May 2007, 10:24 PM
Skew (Andy), Groggy(Greg), DJ, Gra(Neil), Sturdee(Peter), ozwinner(Al), Grunt(Chris), Scooter(Sean), Iain, Johnc, K_S(Keith), watson(Noel)

Dai Sensei (Neil) took the shot.

DJs second shot has Kiwibrucee (Bruce) in the middle, he managed to avoid the group shot :D

Neil's first shot has Libby, Al's wife next to him.

Johnc travelled from Sale to Pakenham, where he and Iain & I headed off at 9am after loading up Iain's camphor laurel slabs.

Got to Sturdee's place at 9.45am, quick gday to Peter's wife Elaine, and on the road again, to Keith's place in leafy Eltham.

Keith showed us his workshop, triton & ext table, dusty, 2 grinders with different sharpening setups (one with abrasive coated laminated cardboard wheel (see recent cardboard wheel thread) & the other with laminated MDF (I think - Keith?) with a sharpening surface on the side face of the disk & compound charged leather on the rim for honing.)

He also showed us his whizz bang sharpener for sharpening clipper blades, essentially a humungous (bit over 2ft dia) horizontally rotating aluminium plate with a 1/4 degree curvature across the top - very trick & mean - a machine to be respected :D (Hope I got the details right there, Keith)

After some BS & a cuppa & some yummy muffins kindly cooked by Keith's missus, we hit the road again to Merrnda, getting there about 11.30ish.

Al had the bangers & chops on the hotplate over a campfire, with another fire going in a drum to keep us warm on a brisk Victorian day. Obviously recent events haven't put him off striking a match... the man has a penchant for fire... ;) :D

Had a stickybeak at the Crapotorium, chewed the fat aplenty with old & new faces, had a toast to our departed friend Steve, & generally enjoyed the company of some forum mates.

Managed a couple of redgum blanks (thanks Greg), a nice scratch awl (thanks dai sensei Neil), a ubeaut pen (thanks ubeaut Neil) and a couple of well priced router bits (thanks John).

We hit the road a bit after 2pm, dropped off Peter on the way & got home at 4 o'clockish.

Nother very good day, big thanks to Al for hosting, everyone who contributed to the giveaways, and for everyone for making the effort to attend, especially Noel & John, who came from Avoca & Sale respectively, quite a hike.


20th May 2007, 10:33 PM
the man has a penchant for fire

He's changing his forum name to 'Al da Torch'.

21st May 2007, 06:13 PM
Twas a good day indeed.

I forgot to thank Scooter for the bottle of Red, and Watson for some more of his fine home brew.

Thanks guys..:cool:

Al :2tsup:

dai sensei
21st May 2007, 06:52 PM
I still reckon you could've got away with taking home more wood, Neil... perhaps stuffing the pockets of an old Army great-coat wouldn't have worked..

I put the redgum along with some pen blanks, Huon blanks and my root ball in a back pack to take as hand luggage for the plane to minimize weight, but timber blocks are deemed deadly weapons :? and I had to put them in my suitcase :- . Then it was overweight by 10kgs and they charged me excess at $7/kg :oo: :(( . I should have just posted them to myself, but I was in a hurry and just paid the $70.

Thanks for everyone for filling in the names. Good guesses Wendy, better than me :B

Thanks again to all those who came.

21st May 2007, 06:57 PM
Gday Sean

Close enough - my pleasure.


Skew (Andy), Groggy(Greg), DJ, Gra(Neil), Sturdee(Peter), ozwinner(Al), Grunt(Chris), Scooter(Sean), Iain, Johnc, K_S(Keith), watson(Noel)

Dai Sensei (Neil) took the shot.

DJs second shot has Kiwibrucee (Bruce) in the middle, he managed to avoid the group shot :D

Neil's first shot has Libby, Al's wife next to him.

Johnc travelled from Sale to Pakenham, where he and Iain & I headed off at 9am after loading up Iain's camphor laurel slabs.

Got to Sturdee's place at 9.45am, quick gday to Peter's wife Elaine, and on the road again, to Keith's place in leafy Eltham.

Keith showed us his workshop, triton & ext table, dusty, 2 grinders with different sharpening setups (one with abrasive coated laminated cardboard wheel (see recent cardboard wheel thread) & the other with laminated MDF (I think - Keith?) with a sharpening surface on the side face of the disk & compound charged leather on the rim for honing.)

He also showed us his whizz bang sharpener for sharpening clipper blades, essentially a humungous (bit over 2ft dia) horizontally rotating aluminium plate with a 1/4 degree curvature across the top - very trick & mean - a machine to be respected :D (Hope I got the details right there, Keith)

After some BS & a cuppa & some yummy muffins kindly cooked by Keith's missus, we hit the road again to Merrnda, getting there about 11.30ish.

Al had the bangers & chops on the hotplate over a campfire, with another fire going in a drum to keep us warm on a brisk Victorian day. Obviously recent events haven't put him off striking a match... the man has a penchant for fire... ;) :D

Had a stickybeak at the Crapotorium, chewed the fat aplenty with old & new faces, had a toast to our departed friend Steve, & generally enjoyed the company of some forum mates.

Managed a couple of redgum blanks (thanks Greg), a nice scratch awl (thanks dai sensei Neil), a ubeaut pen (thanks ubeaut Neil) and a couple of well priced router bits (thanks John).

We hit the road a bit after 2pm, dropped off Peter on the way & got home at 4 o'clockish.

Nother very good day, big thanks to Al for hosting, everyone who contributed to the giveaways, and for everyone for making the effort to attend, especially Noel & John, who came from Avoca & Sale respectively, quite a hike.


Cliff Rogers
21st May 2007, 08:28 PM
...they charged me excess at $7/kg :oo: :(( .....
Struth!!!!!! At least I only got stung for $40 the time I went down. :(

21st May 2007, 09:13 PM
GHC Cliff!
You're supposed to get paid for that!!!!!!!


Cliff Rogers
21st May 2007, 09:57 PM
GHC Cliff!
You're supposed to get paid for that!!!!!!!

Ooooooooooo........... :ohyou:

I meant the last time I flew to Melbourne with a load.... mmmm :rolleyes: this is only going to get worse isn't it. :p

21st May 2007, 10:02 PM
I can feel "the strap" already!!
Geez Cliff you just made "six Bloody Thousand"

Well done!

Cliff Rogers
21st May 2007, 10:29 PM
I can feel "the strap" already!!
Geez Cliff you just made "six Bloody Thousand"

Well done!
Ta... I have the feeling (a beer & 4 reds) that a few will get culled tonight so I'll do it again tomorrow. :D

21st May 2007, 11:23 PM
Ta... I have the feeling (a beer & 4 reds) that a few will get culled tonight so I'll do it again tomorrow. :DGroundhog day, heh, heh.

Cliff Rogers
21st May 2007, 11:33 PM
Groundhog day, heh, heh.
:D five reds now......

22nd May 2007, 12:30 AM
DJs second shot has Kiwibrucee (Bruce) in the middle, he managed to avoid the group shot :D


Bugger! I thought I arrived late enough to avoid all the photos.:D
Mine was a brief but entertaining visit, took the senic route home from Al's doing about 200k to get from there to laverton. A plesant afternoon even if the weather wasn't the best.
Thanks for hosting Al, and to those that made the trek.:2tsup:

Bruce T.

22nd May 2007, 04:25 PM
Nother very good day, big thanks to Al for hosting, everyone who contributed to the giveaways, and for everyone for making the effort to attend, especially Noel & John, who came from Avoca & Sale respectively, quite a hike.


Indeed a great day, good company on the way in the car, perfect refreshments at the half way stop (thanks Keith and also to your good lady for baking fresh muffins) and a wonderfull time at the BBQ.

Great to re acquaint myself with those I knew and meet new friends, good food and a chance to reflect on the memory of our late mate Steve who always attended these functions. Gone but not forgotten.

Thanks Sean for the lift, it was indeed a great day.


23rd May 2007, 05:48 PM
Ooops!! :-

For those that took some piano keys with the "Ivory" on them at the BBQ, best you give them the burn test.

I have given you the wrong lot. :-:-:U

I was getting some more from the shed tonight and while removing them from the keys thought they felt "wrong", they are..:B

The Ebony is the ridgy dige stuff. :cool:

Al :doh:

Skew ChiDAMN!!
23rd May 2007, 07:40 PM
I knew there was a reason I left the Ivory ones for others. :D