View Full Version : Cost of stumps

25th April 2007, 10:14 AM
<table class="forumline" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100&#37;"><tbody><tr><td class="row1" height="28" valign="top" width="100%"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="2"><hr></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">I have a qot a Quote for installing 44 stumps using the system http://www.mega-anchor.com.au (http://www.mega-anchor.com.au/) for a cost 0f $7000. The builder said it would take him about 2 days to install

The land has a bit of slope 1-4 and some of the stumps go as high as 3 mtrs and is quite difficult to get around so this is why I am after this system.

I have no idea about price is that expensive?
It dosent include bearers or joists?
Anybody have a rough idea with the cost of wooden stumps for the same job

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25th April 2007, 09:35 PM
You typed seventy thousand dollars ... that's expensive. Maybe you meant $7,000? Which still sounds a lot but I guess its the access issue.

Kev Y.
25th April 2007, 09:57 PM
Even $7,000 is cheap for that system.. I had all of my house stumps replaced 2 years ago, (not quite the slope or height of yours) and it cost me $6,000 and took the contractors 4 days from start to finish.

You mention bearers and joists.. are you building a new home or renovating an old one?

25th April 2007, 10:35 PM
I am assuming that you typo'd because $70,000....is a lot of money just for the stumps ......so lets say $7,000..and divide it by 44 = $159 a piece ...inclusive of labour, concrete ....sounds about right ......but I would look at quotes for concrete stumps instead and would not even consider "wooden" stumps .......the lifespan is too short ...

25th April 2007, 10:55 PM
Yeah 70 thousand is alot for stumps the land cost me the same

It is 7 thousand dollars which includes the decking so sorry to all

The problem I have with concrete stumps is the weight on a steep block and the work involved and acess is a bit hard

Another question

Just in materials what would the rest of the flooring (joists and bearers)cost me (roughly) if I used timber and what size would i need
The house is 20 mtrs by 6

25th April 2007, 10:57 PM
You mention bearers and joists.. are you building a new home or renovating an old one?

New house

25th April 2007, 11:09 PM
mate without seeing a soil report I would not even consider timber stumps and if used .....they would probably have to be around 150 x 150mm......redgum perhaps .....which would be just about as difficult as concrete stumps ......and if access is a problem .....then how are ya gonna build the rest of the house?......take some photos and lets have a look at this access problem .....because that what I would deal with first .....or your going to waste a lot of money matey ..

25th April 2007, 11:24 PM
....take some photos and lets have a look at this access ..

Here are a couple of photos hope they help

I have a permit for 22 trees are to be removed and the soil report says could be some rock around


30th April 2007, 04:33 PM
There is also the Dura-gal option...but to be honest....seven grand seems quite reasonable for the site and materials.

There's no way that any sort of timber stump (except for telegraph poles) will do what you want on that site...

30th April 2007, 04:37 PM
Another question

Just in materials what would the rest of the flooring (joists and bearers)cost me (roughly) if I used timber and what size would i need
The house is 20 mtrs by 6

Material sizing depends on your stump spacing......

But this website will give you ballpark fgures for Hyspan and Hyjoist...


1st May 2007, 11:19 AM
Thanks all for your help

After looking at the site below which I think would be the same sought of slope and using the same materials

30 cubic mtrs of concrete 3200k
Steel stumps by 44 about 2000k

plus labour and ground works it seems ok to me

http://www.kavenga.com/subperma/permaculture%20tasthree.htm#posts (http://www.kavenga.com/subperma/permaculture&#37;20tasthree.htm#posts)

Would it be possible to use a combination of concrete stumps on the lower side and mega anchor on the high side?