View Full Version : What finish to apply over wax?

24th April 2007, 09:07 PM
G'day all. I have buffed Alnatique Wax into a veneered panel surface on a jewellery box that I am making. In order to preserve the burl grain and colour, I would like to seal the surface with some sort of U.V. stabilised finish. I don't know exactly what, if anything, will work on top of wax. Would be grateful for any suggestions.

24th April 2007, 10:32 PM
G'day A, or Andrew,
Not being one to advertise peoples' products......our forum owner makes the best stuff for what you're on about. The word and music are contained in a little book called the Polisher's Handbook......also available from Ubeaut.......this is no bull......I'm an incompetent box maker....wood finisher...but even I can make stuff look good in a lasting way using these products.
I reckon Ubeaut traditional wax following correct preparation procedures from the aforementioned book is what you need......and I'm only a learner.

24th April 2007, 11:44 PM
well heres the bad news.
the only thing you can put over wax....... is more wax.
you need to put your hard finish products on before the wax.
you may be able to remove the wax with a suitable solvent and start again.

the u beaut white shelac would be good choice if you dont want to mess with the colour too much.

25th April 2007, 12:17 AM
Thank you both. I thought that I might be out of luck. Guess I will live with the wax and hope the panel retains its looks over time :)

25th April 2007, 12:45 AM
Their is a rule in oil painting called fat over thin. Which means that the base paint must be thinner then subsequent coats of paint. This is because if you place a fat paint under a thin paint the thin paint will dry faster then the fat paint causing it to crack as the fat paint dries.

Wax is in essence fat paint. You could clean the wax off using a solvent, and start again.