View Full Version : Repair Chipped Glass Cooktop

18th April 2007, 10:51 PM
I've dropped a glass jar on the edge of my black glass cooktop and chipped the edge of it. The chip is approximately 3cm wide and about 7mm deep, roughly semicircular in shape, extending all the way through the cooktop from top to bottom (about 5mm I guess). The chip is nowhere near any area that gets hot.

Does anybody know of a product that I can use to repair the chip? It would have to be some sort of glass filler, as the chip itself has shattered and could not be simply glued back into place.

Alternatively, does anybody know of somebody in the Sydney area who might be able to perform this repair if it cannot be DIYed.


19th April 2007, 10:37 AM
Try asking your nearest O'briens outlet if they can help. The only DIY solution that might come close is a windscreen repair kit from a auto shop.......but it sounds like your chip might be a bit extreme for that solution.

6th May 2007, 11:49 AM
The glass is hardened therefore NOT repairable - it will fail and may even explode (yup) due to uneven heat stresses. This is information from a person (not me) who works with glass sculpture every day. Depending on the brand, replacement may be almost as expensive as the unit - I have a Miele 900mm black glass cooktop (gas) with a tiny chip on one side - replacement of the glass $1100. Unit cost: $2299.

David L
6th May 2007, 03:34 PM
Check with your insurance company it may be covered under your household insurance

Just George
6th May 2007, 03:48 PM
Contact the manufacturer about the best way to replace it.