View Full Version : Planters

18th April 2007, 04:26 PM
:C Help me please!
My partner is as computer illiterate as I am wood working illiterate! Hence my posts...
Neville would like to turn both dropped wood and driftwood into plant pots.
He has found some really wonderfully sculptured pieces, but needs to
protect the wood from soil/moisture/plant roots/etc, with something that
is plant-friendly.

19th April 2007, 03:14 PM
I really haven't used many outdoor products but suggest you look at these two websites -
www.organoil.com.au (http://www.organoil.com.au) and
www.energyandwatersolutions.com.au/oils/oils.htm (http://www.energyandwatersolutions.com.au/oils/oils.htm)

If you repost your question in the Finishing Forum you may also get some more feedback from people who have used some of the products listed on the above websites.

19th April 2007, 04:03 PM
Hi BowenLea

I moved the thread for you, but left a redirection notice as well.

My first thought would have been to use epoxy or something similar on the plant pot, but I have no idea how 'plant friendly' epoxy is :rolleyes:


19th April 2007, 05:13 PM
firstly it depends on what sort of timber you are talking about.

secondly what sort of plant and method of growing

thirdly whee you want to put it

forth how long you want it to last.

for example if we were talking about a hollow lump of ironbark planted with a orchid.

you would do vey little except find some means of retaining the growing media.

the wood will rot very slowly, and this is how orchids grow. end story

putting a plastic plant pot inside the timber is a reasonable thing to do.

drainage will be all important.

a bit more information.
