View Full Version : Jojoba Oil

13th April 2007, 10:07 PM
G'day folks,

I'm just wondering if anyone has used jojoba oil as a finish? If so was it 100% jojoba or was it mixed with other oils and what is the best mix?
I have seen images of jojoba oil used on floors (timber) on the web so i'm not sure if it would be any good for "soft" timber like pine.

Anyway thanks in advance for any tips.


19th April 2007, 12:34 PM
Jojoba oil is more akin to a wax then a pure oil, or so I understand. Regardless the problem would be cost because of demand from the beauty industry and limited supply. Jojoba is very expensive its often sold as an essential oil - I have seen a small 100 ml bottle for $40 plus. I think that is way to rich for my blood and for the limited protection of an oil finish not worth it.