View Full Version : Is it time to give up domestic engineering?

Phil Spencer
13th April 2007, 10:14 AM
Recently my wife has been laid up after having surgery. So I assumed the domestic engineering responsibilities (cooking, cleaning, making the bed etc..) recently I have noticed little things like when my back was turned the bed would be made or the washing would be hung out.

Last night whilst I was cooking up a Lasagna for tea she started putting my ingredients away before I had a chance to use them, and, this morning whilst preparing breakfast she started to clean out the refrigerator, both times getting under my feet, this caused me to issue the order to get out of my kitchen!

Do you think it is time for me to relinquish my domestic engineering duties and scurry back to the shed where my rule is absolute (sometimes)?


13th April 2007, 10:20 AM
I think it's a code violation if you don't!

13th April 2007, 10:34 AM
My Mum recently had a melanoma cut out of her leg - left a huge chunk out of her shin a good 5cm long and a cm wide. The doc told her to spend at least three weeks off the leg, just sitting around and letting Dad do all the work. She lasted till the next day :rolleyes: Not because Dad's not up to the task, but she's one of life's fidgets.:D


13th April 2007, 11:09 AM
Of course it is time to stop, you are there in her domain and doing her things at her sufference. But don't feel too bad about it, think how you would feel if it was the other way around?

Would you let her work and make things in your workshop if you were laid up? Wouldn't you get back into the swings of things as soon as possible?

She must feel the same. BTW I've had the same problems with my wife when she's been ill.


13th April 2007, 11:22 AM
Hi Phil,

You must be very pleased to see your wife is getting better. I bet Mrs Spencer is also very happy to be able to do a few of these things again. Personally, I'd consider still sharing the duties, but don't let her overdo it just yet, i.e. don't let her do nearly everything.

Good luck

journeyman Mick
13th April 2007, 04:21 PM
obviously you're lousy at domestic engineering,:o otherwise SWMBO would take advantage of the break:doh: :U


13th April 2007, 06:18 PM
'Tis the best way, my Dad reckons you do a crap job of hanging out the washing a couple of times & you won't get asked again... ;) :D

13th April 2007, 06:32 PM
Stick the safety pin in the baby's bum once and you are safe from nappy changing for ever

13th April 2007, 08:06 PM
Stick the safety pin in the baby's bum once and you are safe from nappy changing for ever

Yep, I changed a nappy once...

13th April 2007, 09:40 PM
paraphrasing Scooter....
... do a crap job of any household task and you'll get asked to do it again and again until you get it right :)

That should mean I won't have to do that task, oh, until 2099.......


Huh! What!! Oh, I was dreaming.... phooey...:C

13th April 2007, 09:57 PM
I know a bloke who put all his wife's white underwear in the wash with a pair of brand new maroon towels they were given at their wedding the week before, that was thirty years ago and he still isn't allow near that washing machine!