View Full Version : Ducted Gas Deating Air return

11th April 2007, 07:06 PM
We have bought a TB320 braemar heater. The installers want to put both the ducts and air return grille in the ceiling (11ft ceilings). I know that it is ideal to have the air return at floor level, but they want to put it in the ceiling in the hallway (which otherwise has no outlet duct). Anyone have any advice on whether this will be terribly inefficient, or if it is a feasible setup?

11th April 2007, 07:35 PM

Heating registers are certainly better in the floor in front of windows where it is possible so as to heat the cold air that falls off the window and to stop draughts in the room.

Provided there is no registers in the hallway it probably wont make a lot of difference if the return air is in the ceiling or at floor level.

12th April 2007, 05:39 PM
We had ours installed in the ceiling, with the return grille in the hall near the floor (I was rebuilding the linen cupboard anyway, so it was pretty easy). Theory being that the hot air comes out in the rooms and is drawn through the house back into the hall.

The reason we had ours in the ceiling was to accomdate for add on air conditioning. Heating is more efficient in the floor, air con better in the ceiling, but, heating is still more efficient in the ceiling that air con is in the floor (does that make sense?)

14th April 2007, 12:54 PM
We have bought a TB320 braemar heater. The installers want to put both the ducts and air return grille in the ceiling (11ft ceilings). I know that it is ideal to have the air return at floor level, but they want to put it in the ceiling in the hallway (which otherwise has no outlet duct). Anyone have any advice on whether this will be terribly inefficient, or if it is a feasible setup?
Most commercial buildings have the return air grilles at the ceiling. It is directly ducted from the air handling unit, or the grille is open to the space (plenum) above the ceiling. If your supply grilles are designed to throw air, you shouldn't have too much trouble mixing the air in your home before it flows back to the return air grille. Good supply air grilles and volume dampers in all the runout ducts to the supply grilles will help significantly.
