View Full Version : Men only poll!
journeyman Mick
8th April 2007, 11:53 PM
No not being sexist, just talking about a gender-specific problem - male pattern baldness.:(
Okay blokes, you're losing your hair, what will you do? Even if you haven't yet, you may do down the track so it's not a bad idea to consider your options now. I never thought I'd need to think about it, my dad's in his 80's and still has a full head of hair. Apparently though, the genetic information for hair loss comes to you from your mum's side of the family. I've been seeing more and more of my scalp when I look in the mirror, and it's getting to the stage where I can no longer pretend it's not happening.:(
On the hat option, can wearing a hat/cap impact on your hair? I wear a hat or cap (usually a beat up akubra) most times when I'm outdoors. Will the friction/rubbing etc cause any hair loss? It's not going to stop me wearing a hat if it does as I'd rather lose my hair than get skin cancers on my noggin but it would be nice to know.
So tell us, what have you done/will you do when/if you lose/lost your hair?
Mick (of the increasing forehead real estate)
9th April 2007, 12:05 AM
A bit of advice given to me when I was young
To avoid falling hair step smartly to one side :D
Sorry mick old joke I know but couldn't resist, bottom line is if you are going to lose it you will hat or no hat, whatever you do don't go with the comb-over ie grow the sides long and comb it over the top .
Just remember the old saying you can't grow grass on a busy street , unfortunately you can't grow it through 3" of concrete either:D
Possibly the best is a new U_Beaut cap to wear :2tsup:
9th April 2007, 12:06 AM
Here are some hair loss facts from the University of Virginia.
What causes hair loss?
Hair loss is believed to be primarily caused by a combination of the following:
change in hormones
family history of baldness
trauma However, hair loss is not caused by the following:
poor circulation to the scalp
vitamin deficiencies
excessive hat-wearing
a gene passed on from an individual's maternal grandfather Generally, the earlier hair loss begins, the more severe the baldness will become.
I've got the same sort of hair as my dad. I will probably have a very high forehead by the time I'm 70 but not bald. It's not pretty now and I don't think it's going to improve.
journeyman Mick
9th April 2007, 12:14 AM
I remember seeing a bloke with a really, well, optomistic comb over when I was a kid which made me decide way back then that whatever happned, I wasn't going to try to fool myself or anyone else that way. I cut my hair pretty short now and I guess it will get even shorter down the track. Oh, I forgot, can one of the mods or admins please add option 7: "I'm going to let someone take a plug cutter to my scalp in the hope that they can succesfully transplant the stuff from elsewhere."
9th April 2007, 12:16 AM
I answered number 1 but I'm just growing old gracefully.
9th April 2007, 12:36 AM
i have no sign of baldness so far ,my 89 year old grand father has a full head of hair (hopfully i take after him)my dad is balding i once caught him in his paddock with the cow licking his head as he heard it promoted hair growth:D i have had great mileage out of it ,told him i was glad he hadn't heard that it promoted growth ummm errrrrrrrrrrr no i don't want this to go to the orange room:p
9th April 2007, 12:41 AM
oh and i answered shave it off i have a #2 hair cut at the moment so what the hell i'd shave it off if i started to go bald
DJ’s Timber
9th April 2007, 12:49 AM
At this stage in life, I don't think I'll have to worry about it for a long time if ever :U, as you can see from this picture of me taken late last year :roll:
9th April 2007, 12:52 AM
I'm one of the lucky ones with a full head of hair. However I have a friend who is all but bald, has about 80% hair loss with only a little on the sides and back.
Up until a few months ago he had always shaved his head and looked great, It really suited him. For some reason he decided to let it grow. Didn't see anyone for a few weeks as he was over in WA and on his return he had hair (back and sides) it was gray and it made him look about 60, which isn't a good look for a 38 year old.
Everyone he met tried to contain themselves and say nothing. It only worked for a few weeks, until a few of us were at a dance and I couldn't contain myself any more and just had to say how bad and old it made him look. The others said I was a bastard and just how good it was to see him with hair again. Made me feel really good, bunch of rats.
The next week he rocked up at another dance and everyone said, man you look great, you look really healthy, you look 20 years younger, you look more virile than I've seen you look for years, what the hell have you done and how can I get it done to me.
He had shaved his head again. The difference was absolutely phenomenal. Don't think he will ever grow it again.
Skew ChiDAMN!!
9th April 2007, 12:56 AM
Mmm... I don't think it's a problem I'll have to face. :q I still have a headful... I'm more like my maternal grandfather in hair & physique than my Dad. (Although according to Virginia U the genes I got from Gramps have nothing to do with it. :rolleyes:)
My ol' man and my younger bros (who're both spitting images of Dad) all started losing it in their early 20's; the old man just grinned and bore it while one of my bros went the bone-dome route and the youngest has gone for a crewcut. However, should the worse come to be, methinks I'd go the route of my ol' man and just ignore it. I'd rather look like a deranged and bearded Prof. Julius Sumner-Miller than Norman Gunston eating a cat... :D
9th April 2007, 12:59 AM
Sorry.... Shave it or let it go natural. Usually the only person who is embarrassed or concerned about it is the owner of the head. Most people take you are and won't notice one way or another. Unless you do the rug or comb-over thing. Then not only will they notice but they will laugh at you behind your back.
9th April 2007, 01:02 AM
The best cure for baldness.....
Grow a beard and pull your head in. :doh: Ta daaa
Kev Y.
9th April 2007, 01:22 AM
I get a number 2 over most of it and a number one over that damned tuffty bit at the front every 5-6 weeks.. AND IT STILL COSTS ME $10.00:~ :~ :o
And I am NOT going blad, I am just growing throug my hair-line:C :C
9th April 2007, 02:06 AM
you need to buy a $20 set of clippers Brudda.
You left out the most important option:
"I'll do whatever the missus says to do"
Seriously, except for what the missus/partner/boyfriend/whatever thinks... who cares? :U
Wild Dingo
9th April 2007, 02:56 AM
Oi!!! Mick yer forgots us hairy buggars!! :doh:
I am now over 50 and still maintain my thick lusterous curly locks... have no sign whatever of baldness and dont expect to... all bar one of the males on both sides of the family tree that have passed well into their 70s and 80s have done so with a full mane and none of the present crop of cousins nor my brother have anything less than a full mane of hair... I have no expectation nor intention of loosing it anytime in the forseeable future :2tsup:
ummm okay I see my connections rather slow tonight and others have the same issues of too much hair and a denial of ever going bald... hey its a male thing :roll: :U
9th April 2007, 08:01 AM
Dads had a comb over since I can remember , never going that route myself tho ,started losing mine about 20ish just kept it short . For last 10 or more years used clippers & no.2 whats left is staying there so it must like it :rolleyes: . But I sure aint going to lose any sleep over it if whats left quits.
Honorary Bloke
9th April 2007, 08:37 AM
No dramas. Will always have a lot of hair. But feel bad for you blokes who are losing it. I would shave my head under the circumstances--I think it would look best. :)
9th April 2007, 08:57 AM
Well count me in the hairy group, and will stay there if genetics have any say. My maternal grandfather died at 80+ with a full head of hair, my paternal grandfather was bald, but he lost his in an industrial accident.
My hair is usually short, I get a No3 every couple of months, but only because if I didn't I would look like SKEW with shoes:D:D
So I guess count me in the fat blue rats ring option
9th April 2007, 09:08 AM
I answered 1, because it is closest, but in fact, I decided that I'm just not going to let it bug me. It's like worrying about the colour of your eyes. You got the hair that you got, live with it (or in my case, without it).
But I do wear hats on sunny days because sunburn on the top of the head really hurts.
9th April 2007, 09:31 AM
I'm almost with JMK89 except that I didn't vote because there was no option of "I don't give a toss."
What does it matter? The purpose of hair is to keep the sun off and I can wear a hat for that. I decided long ago that it was of no importance.
In recent years I've gone the skinhead route - best thing I ever did and I'm kicking myself for not having done so earlier. This way it is always neat and I don't have to carry a comb when travelling. In fact I haven't owned a comb for years. The best part is not having to waste hours waiting in barber shops.
9th April 2007, 09:34 AM
I know I have posted this a few times but:
When we are born we are given a certain amount of testosterone. If some of you silly buggers want to waste it growing hair.......
Once I'd lost enough that it looked silly keeping the residual "normal" length, the #2 came out. Sometimes it's a #1, but it really doesn't matter.
9th April 2007, 09:36 AM
Absolutely nothing, its not important to me, on a scale of one to 10 the needle does not even move.
Wear a hat of some type if you must, but as for comb overs wigs and hair transplants:roflmao:
Black Ned
9th April 2007, 09:42 AM
Don't worry abouit the hair loss on top of your head.
Your main concern will be the hair growing onyour ears.
For some reason, as you lose you scalp hair your ears must get a kick start. Then you will look like wolfman.
Has anybody had hair removed by electrolisis? Tell of your success as I'm headind down the hairy ears path.
9th April 2007, 09:43 AM
Morning Mick,
This is not a problem specific to men, I have a lady working for me who is losing her hair and of course is more than a little concerned about her situation, its not as prevalent in woman as it is among us blokes but when it happens they are understandably devestated.:C
No not being sexist, just talking about a gender-specific problem - male pattern baldness.:(
Okay blokes, you're losing your hair, what will you do? Even if you haven't yet, you may do down the track so it's not a bad idea to consider your options now. I never thought I'd need to think about it, my dad's in his 80's and still has a full head of hair. Apparently though, the genetic information for hair loss comes to you from your mum's side of the family. I've been seeing more and more of my scalp when I look in the mirror, and it's getting to the stage where I can no longer pretend it's not happening.:(
On the hat option, can wearing a hat/cap impact on your hair? I wear a hat or cap (usually a beat up akubra) most times when I'm outdoors. Will the friction/rubbing etc cause any hair loss? It's not going to stop me wearing a hat if it does as I'd rather lose my hair than get skin cancers on my noggin but it would be nice to know.
So tell us, what have you done/will you do when/if you lose/lost your hair?
Mick (of the increasing forehead real estate)
9th April 2007, 09:49 AM
My barber trims my ears, eyebrows and nostrils every time I get my hair cut, dont worry about it, its all part of growing old:2tsup: you cant stop the clock:no:
Don't worry abouit the hair loss on top of your head.
Your main concern will be the hair growing onyour ears.
For some reason, as you lose you scalp hair your ears must get a kick start. Then you will look like wolfman.
Has anybody had hair removed by electrolisis? Tell of your success as I'm headind down the hairy ears path.
journeyman Mick
9th April 2007, 10:16 AM
Could one of our hard working underthanked mods please add a couple of extra options to the poll:
7) I'm going to let someone take a plug cutter to my scalp and try to transplant some from elsewhere
8) I don't give a rat's ring
Seriously everyone, I'm not really worried. Much as I like having hair, there's nothing I can do about losing it and I'm certainly not going to let someone loose on my scalp with a plug cutter:o . Definitely no comb-over either and I won't be trying to hide it with hats etc. I will be wearing hats outdoors (I do anyway) and I'll probably cut it a bit shorter than I do now. Just thought I'd pass the time with something light hearted.
9th April 2007, 10:25 AM
8) I don't give a rat's ring
You forgot the purple....
9th April 2007, 10:28 AM
I'm with you Mick, the plug cutter look is very unattractive and the comb over is just wierd, had option 8 been available I would have taken it.
Like you I live and work in a very hot area of Aust and wear a hat outdoors all the time.:2tsup:
Could one of our hard working underthanked mods please add a couple of extra options to the poll:
7) I'm going to let someone take a plug cutter to my scalp and try to transplant some from elsewhere
8) I don't give a rat's ring
Seriously everyone, I'm not really worried. Much as I like having hair, there's nothing I can do about losing it and I'm certainly not going to let someone loose on my scalp with a plug cutter:o . Definitely no comb-over either and I won't be trying to hide it with hats etc. I will be wearing hats outdoors (I do anyway) and I'll probably cut it a bit shorter than I do now. Just thought I'd pass the time with something light hearted.
Cliff Rogers
9th April 2007, 10:36 AM
8. :2tsup:
The tide is slowly going out.
Actually, it is kinda slipping off my head & hanging around my neck like a fluffy dunny seat cover.:rolleyes:
DJ, your tongue needs a shave. :D
9th April 2007, 10:56 AM
I'm just growing old gracefully.
Hay grunt,You misspelt that you missed the "dis':q:q:D:D
9th April 2007, 11:01 AM
BE BALD AND me:2tsup:
Baldness is a sign of high Testosterone.
Many women go for bald men.
I'm not bald, my hair has just migrated to different parts of my body.
Bald men are masculine men.
My missus wouldn't have me any other way (or that's what she tell's me:;)
9th April 2007, 11:03 AM
Does she mind the that you're pixelated?
9th April 2007, 11:10 AM
No 8 as well
I have a full head of hair, and I think the old saying applies
Anything will grow on s**t :D :D :p
9th April 2007, 11:29 AM
Does she mind the that you're pixelated?
That turns her on even more...:p
9th April 2007, 12:33 PM
I have the same little bald patch on the crown of my head that my father & grandfather had.
It's caused by thumb pressure.
9th April 2007, 01:30 PM
I voted number 2 - when I go bald gimmeeeee a comb over (I'm bringing sexy back - yeah!) :2tsup:
9th April 2007, 01:41 PM
I'm a woolly bull.
I'd hate being bald - imagine sunburn on top of yer head :D
an forget that crap about bald equals more testosterone
9th April 2007, 02:10 PM
If you go bald you go bald, big deal. If you are comfortable with who you are, hair is a non issue.
9th April 2007, 11:11 PM
God has given me many things in my life.
Tall, athletic, dark, handsome, intelligent and a full head of hair. I am a complete package. :D
9th April 2007, 11:27 PM
Wongo, you forgot modest.
journeyman Mick
9th April 2007, 11:30 PM
God has given me many things in my life.
Tall, athletic, dark, handsome, intelligent and a full head of hair. I am a complete package. :D
Just remember Scott, God giveth and He taketh away.:D :p
Mick (who had plenty of hair when he was 36)
9th April 2007, 11:33 PM
Wongo, you forgot modest.
…and I am honest too.:D
10th April 2007, 10:14 AM
G'day folks,
Bring on the baldness guys I reckon.
One saves many things when one has a budget to follow so to speak.
Just don't let ya missus talk ya into gettin ya hair on any part of ur body, waxed.
Yeah, it takes a while to grow back but if ya don't like pain, absolutely don't do it and it isn't a bloke thing to do i reckon. It's these times when the missus can get ya back too.
Even with one of those diy electronic gizmo's that cut hair, don't let the missus use it either as they sometimes have strange ideas for a haircut where one can't see her style on the back of ya noggin.
The old man always says..... ya can't have hair and brains too mate.
This is why i keep it bald :U
10th April 2007, 10:22 AM
Someone gave me a set of electric clippers when their dog carked it. I use them to cut my own hair. The ex swmbo does the hairline at the back of my scone. I do a number 1 every 3 months. Come on baldness.... :2tsup:
10th April 2007, 10:56 AM
Been a number 1 guy for over ten years now. One day I'll sit down and add up how much I've saved on shampoo and hair cuts.
I reckon hat-hair looks sillier than a bald head any day :p
Wood Borer
10th April 2007, 11:08 AM
Fortunately I don't have to worry about such issues.
Bald as a badger and I don't give a rats. It gets me out of the house faster and down to the shed (shed site at this stage). If only I could find a short cut to brushing the teeth and washing the dial I could be out even quicker.
I like to make fun of my baldness.
I was checking in at Sydney airport one evening and my comb fell out of my pocket when I took out my wallet to get my licence out. A kind serious type of business bloke drew my attention to the dropped comb. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart and remarked that I would be lost without my comb! The poor bloke was lost for words and other people around were intrigued.:wink:
Hopefully it made their wait in the queue a bit more pleasant.
10th April 2007, 11:11 AM
I used to go to an Italian barber in Burwood. I once asked him when he was going to start giving me a discount for having less hair to cut, he told me he was going to start charging a finder's fee. :U
10th April 2007, 12:16 PM
If you are comfortable with who you are, hair is a non issue.
What if you're not :-
journeyman Mick
10th April 2007, 12:46 PM
..............If you are comfortable with who you are, hair is a non issue.
What if you're not :-
Or worse still, no one else is comfortable with who you are.:oo: :p
10th April 2007, 01:01 PM
Grandpa was bald, Dad's got a full head of hair, I'm going bald (okay, am bald), I reckon my son'll have a full head of hair. It's in the genes and it skips a generation.
I can't go skinhead because I've got three or four horrid, red lumps on me bonce (had 'em all me adult life) and skinhead will just scare the horses.
I refuse to do a comb over but after a day under a hat, my flamin' hair always arranges itself to look as though I do :((
I wear a hat all the time to keep the sun off the wee skin cancer in the middle of me head :(
When I ride me pushbike on a sunny day, my scalp gets burnt but in the pattern of the holes in the bike helmet :oo: , a look that's always good for a giggle at my expense.
10th April 2007, 01:06 PM
When I ride me pushbike on a sunny day, my scalp gets burnt but in the pattern of the holes in the bike helmet :oo: , a look that's always good for a giggle at my expense.
:)) :worthless:
10th April 2007, 01:45 PM
I've been trying to ignore the rampant thinning upstairs but getting a sunburnt scalp twice last summer made it a little hard - hate wearin' hats but might have to go the chrome-dome and cap methinks! :C Bloody grandfather!:~
10th April 2007, 01:53 PM
Grandpa was bald, Dad's got a full head of hair, I'm going bald (okay, am bald), I reckon my son'll have a full head of hair. It's in the genes and it skips a generation.
It's a gene passed down thorough your Grand parents but on your mother's side.
Both my Grand fathers were bald. But Mum wasn't.:wink:
10th April 2007, 08:52 PM
Don't worry, be happy. I still have enough for the barber to slug me $15. I am not worried about losing hair. I am more concerned that my bum is dissapearing. If I put a pair of pliers or some such tool in my hip pocket I just about lose my dacks. Maybe I need to get a pair of braces and keep wearing my cap. Such is life.
10th April 2007, 08:59 PM
It's a gene passed down thorough your Grand parents but on your mother's side.
Both my Grand fathers were bald. But Mum wasn't.:wink:
Gumby, see the second post in this thread. It is NOT passed down from your maternal grandfather. Well, it can be but it can equally come from your paternal grandfather or your father.
Or worse still, no one else is comfortable with who you are.:oo: :p
Describes Gumby to a T
10th April 2007, 08:59 PM
A number two comb through whats left and when they can safly tranplant my back hair to the top of my head I'll go for that :oo: , untill then I'll just have to live with the shiny top...:2tsup:
11th April 2007, 03:24 PM
When the kids asked me what the shiny spot on the top of my head was, I told then it was where their mum used to put her thumb and press real hard - I bought a Wahl 9117 and haven't paid for a haircut since - this helps pay for the child support.
:lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove:
11th April 2007, 06:36 PM
The best cure for baldness.....
Grow a beard and pull your head in. :doh: Ta daaa
Neil, ya theivin' mongrel, THAT was my my line, you got it from me and I pinched it from my paternal grandma..... she used to tell my Dad that!
I have been shaving my scone for quite a few years, well before it was trendy. I have reasonable amount which keeps trying to emerge but it has a large hole in it at the back and I have a fair acreage of forehead that doesn't get prickly... Would I grow it back? NO WAY! I would look ancient, grey, pathetic and it would itch like crazy!
Mick, maaate, just accept that you have no choice but to get better looking as you get ol, er, um, er, more experienced.:wink:
12th April 2007, 01:09 AM
Comb overs...
My high school principal used to have one of them, polished scone, combed from under his chin all the way over.
We had big trouble controlling ourselves when outside on days with a bit of a corsswind...
To picture this, stand in front of the mirror, put your hand across your head and wiggle your fingers. Sound effects complete the picture.
(He also used to live with his mum, which pretty much says it all for the comb over.)
I don't care myself, I am not going bald. Grey, yes (but keep that quiet, I don't want to encourage the little ^%$^%$... :(( ).
12th April 2007, 09:11 AM
I would look ancient, grey, pathetic ...
Instead of? :p
12th April 2007, 10:57 AM
My dad and his dad and his dad both had magnificent heads of hair till the day they died. By mum's dad was as bald as and egg...and I'm as bald as an egg! Sometimes I hate genetics! My wife's male relatives are all bald too, so my lads have got no hope.
I would chose a combination of:
hair loss - what have you done/will you do?
<label for="rb_optionnumber_1"><input name="optionnumber" value="1" id="rb_optionnumber_1" type="radio">absolutely nothing, if I pretend it's not happening maybe no-one will notice.</label>
<label for="rb_optionnumber_5"><input name="optionnumber" value="5" id="rb_optionnumber_5" type="radio">I'll get my hair cut shorter to lessen the contrast between the hairy bits and the baldy bits</label>
<label for="rb_optionnumber_8"><input name="optionnumber" value="8" id="rb_optionnumber_8" type="radio">I don't give a rat's ring</label>
I've been getting a number 2/number 1 for years, and it's great. I don't mind paying the barber if I don't have to sweep up. Tried one of the home clipper jobs but it was a pain setting the thing up, sweeping up etc. I get it done once a month or so, or when SWMBO starts saying I look like a toilet-brush (bludy swmbo!)
12th April 2007, 11:04 AM
OK, here's how you give yourself a number 1:
1. Get your clipper and fix the number 1 comb (Zen, this is really easy mate)
2. Stand in front of the bathroom sink, bend down as if you are going to put your face in the bowl.
3. Clip away. Go over the back bits several times to make sure you don't miss any.
4. Turn on tap and flush your cares away.
5. Get in the shower and give your head and shoulders a good hosing down so that you don't get those annoying prickles in your shirt.
Best done before having your daily shower. Clothing not recommended, undies optional :o
See, it's easy and doesn't cost a cent!
12th April 2007, 01:05 PM
Best done before having your daily shower. Clothing not recommended, undies optional :o
This is one case where we don't need photos to prove that it happened.
12th April 2007, 01:09 PM
Sorry Grunt, didn't mean to put you off your lunch, but it's an important point :wink:
12th April 2007, 01:23 PM
I trim my beard in the shower cubicle before having a shower, much easier than the sink as you don't have to retrieve hair from behind taps etc.
Please warn me if this conversation is going to extend to other shower habits:o
13th April 2007, 01:51 AM
SilentC, I have a an old landcruiser mirror hung up down at the shed for doing this, that way there is no mess in the bathroom to cause a row with SHMBO.
I give the neighbours a shock standing there with no shirt as they ride past. (I live next to a horse trail)
my old man has had a comb over for as long as I can remember, apperantly by the time they got married. He still does it. I have always sworn to my self I wouldnt do it.
luckilly I havent needed to worry, still have good crop.
13th April 2007, 10:25 AM
my old man has had a comb over for as long as I can remember, apperantly by the time they got married. He still does it. I have always sworn to my self I wouldnt do it.
Have you ever said anything to him about it?
13th April 2007, 11:09 PM
Have you ever said anything to him about it?
regularly, my whole life.
It is always the source of great mirth by everyone else becasue whenever he is trying to do something it falls off the side and he curses and flips it back.
we crack up and he curses more. but always polite cursing, he is (was) a teacher/headmaster.
kept Brylcream in business single handed I think.
15th April 2007, 11:40 PM
Grow it while you've got it........
Then when it falls out, shave it off.
Either way, it beats paying for haircuts.:)
Cliff Rogers
16th April 2007, 09:18 AM
Cousin It? :? :D
9th May 2007, 01:47 AM
They say look at your mothers brothers if you want to know how the hair line is going to look.
9th May 2007, 02:00 AM
Panteen, Johnsons, Swarzkof or any other hair product company don't get any of my money, I've got the chrome dome thing happening doesn't worry me in the slightest, found an old passport the other day was over 15 years old had hair in the photo and SWMBO said if I looked like that when we met she would have give me the flick, now she wouldn't have me any other way.:no:
9th May 2007, 09:40 AM
They say look at your mothers brothers if you want to know how the hair line is going to look.
Sorry mate, that doesn't work. All my uncles have full heads of hair except one and his only started to thin in the last 10 years or so. The only baldies in my immediate family are my Dad and one of his uncles.
9th May 2007, 10:00 AM
I'VE BROKEN MY #2 COMB!:oo: :oo: :oo:
Don't know what I'm going to do now. #3 is far too long, my fluffy bits catch in the breeze and start to think for themselves a day or two after a #3, and I'd catch my death of cold with a #1!
It's sad to be me! :(
What can a poor boy do?
9th May 2007, 10:19 AM
How could you catch your death of cold up in sunny QLD? I've been #1 for years down here and although I've had my share of colds, they're yet to kill me :p
Cliff Rogers
9th May 2007, 11:39 PM
Can you sand your No. 3 comb back to a No. 2 ?
That would be a different kind of sharpening thread. :D
10th May 2007, 07:44 AM
Don't worry Cliff, I've seriously considered that. Might even do it with the #7 yet! :D
11th May 2007, 12:19 AM
Here are some hair loss facts from the University of Virginia.
I've got the same sort of hair as my dad. I will probably have a very high forehead by the time I'm 70 but not bald. It's not pretty now and I don't think it's going to improve.
"Not from a gene passed on from an individual's maternal grandfather"
This I would have to disagree with .My maternal grandfather was bald as a coot at around 21 ,but for some hair on the sides and back of his head .Im 52 and have the same symptoms as my maternal grand father but my balding was much later
My paternal grand father went to his grave with a full head of hair and my father shows no sign of balding at age 76.
What gets me is I can grow a full beard in a short time , but my dog (Huskie) sheds more fur when brushed than my missus gets off my haircuts in a year.
Anyway tis a # 2 with a set of clippers for me , and a hat outdoors at all times
I voted for the rats' ring BTW..
12th May 2007, 11:46 PM
I havnt had time to read all 7 pages of posts, but the whole thing seems to require a progressive strategy.
a combover isn't a strategy unles you have some sort of sad comedy act.
one option that has been forgotten for those with a rear crown only hair loss is the pony tail.... grow it long and wear it in a pony tail... but you have to gro the fringe reaaallly long.
Phase 1
Normal hair growth.... fine & beaut:2tsup:
phase 2
Hair thinning a bit...... grow it longer for some extra body
phase 3
thinning and getting obvious.......cut it short... dark hair #1 light hair #2
phase 4
Either you've lost soo much it just not worth it any more, or you have a good shaped head....... buy a top of the range electric shaver & mow it down every day.
My self and a number of mates have the problem in varying degrees
two mates of mine did the ashly & martin thin in their 20's.... cost them heaps and only delayed the inevitable if anything.
Brian... wore a rug for more than 20 years.... he spent good money and it looked real, he even swam in it.... several years ago he had it shaved off
It was the best thing he ever did...... hes got a head like Youl Brunner and he has girls half his age chasing him.... If I had a head like his and could grow a full head of hair, Id' still shave it off.
Tony, ( who has more hair than me) has shaved his for point he would make is, if you wear a motorcycle helmet you have to shave twice a day or the lining sticks to your head like velcro.. & it can be painfull to get your helmet off.
Ross, is a fitness instructor, so he wears a bandana all the time with the muscle shirt and the funny pants.
I get a #2 on top and #3 on the side....... one day soon I'll go out and buy a top of the range philishave & do the deed.
No matter what a combover isn't an option.
one of the biggest problems is that the sweat forms on your head and beads up into big drops picking up size & speed as it goes & runs straight down into your eyes.
So where do you get good bandana's from.
13th May 2007, 11:17 AM
Hey, I am already there, I use to comb my hair over the top to try and disguise the fact but one day my son said to me, "Dad. why dont you just cut it real short, it will look much better, I did just that and sure enough I think it does look better than trying to hide the fact.
and I look arount nowadays and see so many young guys with the same style haircut that I got. and I got mine for free.
I havent read all the posts on this topic but probably someone has already mentioned the fact that God made only so many perfect heads when he created man and the rest he put hair on.
Sure if I could have a full head of hair I wold have it in a flash,but it doesnt really worry me, Some things we just have to accept. Guess if I was a young guy it might be different.
I just looked at the poll results, I wonder how many of the guys who voted "I dont give a rats ring" are bald, Just a thought.
Cliff Rogers
13th May 2007, 11:12 PM
...I wonder how many of the guys who voted "I dont give a rats ring" are bald, .....
Not yet, but I vote that way all the time. :D
17th May 2007, 09:48 AM
The end of the comb over?
In a discovery that could lead to a cure for baldness, it has been shown for the first time that hair can be regrown.
The research overturns a longstanding belief that loss of hair follicles in adulthood is permanent.
An American team of scientists found that, under the right conditions, skin has the ability to revert to a more primitive state and then regenerate normally, producing new hair.
The research was carried out in mice and involved researchers cutting away a piece of skin tissue.
"We've found that we can influence the skin to heal in a way that includes all the normal structures of the skin, such as hair follicles and oil glands," said the team leader, George Cotsarelis, a University of Pennsylvania dermatologist.
The new hair the mice produced was indistinguishable from their existing hair.
Professor Cotsarelis said the findings could have applications for a range of hair-loss conditions, not just male baldness.
The researchers also found they could suppress the growth of hair in the healing skin. This meant hairy people might also benefit in future, he said.
Cheng-Ming Chuong, of the University of Southern California pathology department, said the study, which was published in the journal Nature, could have even wider implications for medicine.
"[It is] an unexpected finding that could change our current understanding of repair and regeneration in adult mammals", said Professor Chuong, who was not a member of the team.
The team showed that the healing process triggered an embryonic state in the skin in which dormant genes were re-awakened. These genes instructed stem cells to move to the area of the injury and begin to make new hair follicles.
By increasing or reducing the levels of the proteins produced by these genes, known as wnt proteins, the team was able to increase or decrease the number of new hair follicles that grew.
A University of Melbourne researcher, Justine Ellis, said the role played by wnt proteins in hair follicle regeneration was one of the study's most important finds.
It might be possible to develop treatments for baldness, based on these proteins, which would not require the skin to be cut. But she said the hair would still be subject to the conditions that made it fall out in the first place.
If regeneration could be coupled to an effective treatment that prevents hair loss "then we might really be onto something".
Capt. Zero
4th July 2007, 12:03 PM
No baldness or greying on my side of the family. Stress incontinence anyone?
"What's it all about Mr. an Mrs John Q. Public?'s about this long and about this high. And it's about what we're talking about."
19th July 2007, 11:10 PM
I remember it well.
Now, however, is a different story.
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
21st July 2007, 09:23 PM
Probably never have to worry, but have had a number two since I was 18 and couldn't go back to having hair anyway. SWMBO not happy about short hair but she's given up that fight years ago, says if I go bald will leave (might be worth it:p ). I don't know about you blokes but the hair that grows on the back of your neck after they shave it at the barbers really annoys the crap out of me.:D
23rd July 2007, 12:58 PM
maby if you grow your beard long you can comb that over or your ear hair.?
2nd October 2007, 11:20 PM
a beard is like a lawn on a bald man..!