View Full Version : lost pages
Black Ned
3rd April 2007, 10:59 AM
I always look at new posts when I log on to the forums.
Sometimes the may be 15 pages or more that I want to read.
I start at number 1 and work my way through.
For one reason or another the computer may hiccup and I lose the forum and need to log back on.
My problem is that the pages that I havent read have disappeared and maybe 1 or 2 new pages are all that are now showing.
HOW Do I locate the unread pages as they are threads from a variety of specialist sections and I don't look in each and every section.
Bleedin Thumb
3rd April 2007, 11:09 AM
Click on Quick Links ..then todays posts and there they are.
Black Ned
3rd April 2007, 12:02 PM
Thanks Bleeding
Your bloods worth bottling!
Bleedin Thumb
3rd April 2007, 12:13 PM
Yeh ....probably OP (over-proof) most of the time.
3rd April 2007, 02:01 PM
Click on Quick Links ..then todays posts and there they are.
I never knews that. Very helpful indeed. Thanks.:2tsup:
joe greiner
3rd April 2007, 05:03 PM
The problem is when you log back on. "New posts" are with reference to your previous logon, which wasn't very long ago. When my computer goes walkabout, I return to the forum and I'm still logged on, and pick up where I left off (if I can remember which page of new posts I was on).
After prowling the new pages for a while, my "new posts" page list goes nuts and the last few aren't available. (Probably because some new threads have been added during my prowl.) I think I've corrected that problem by starting my prowl at the last page of the new posts, i.e. at the oldest new post. Then, when the list won't go back to newer pages, I just hit "New posts" again, add one or two to the last page number I was on, and proceed toward newer posts.
"Today's posts" are just that, I think. If you've been away for more than a day, I don't think it gets the new posts you had before. On the other side of the International Date Line, we have the added problem of figuring out what is "today.":rolleyes:
3rd April 2007, 05:13 PM
I'm pretty sure you will find that Today's Posts gives you the last 24 hours, regardless of what you have been looking at in the meantime. At least, it does for me...
eg. I just clicked it and it shows me every thread that has been posted to since 4:30pm yesterday (it being 4:14pm here now).
joe greiner
3rd April 2007, 05:45 PM
It makes sense that "today" would be the last 24 hours, especially with international participation. If it didn't work that way, I guess there'd be a problem just within Oz.
Maybe something haywire with my settings or CP, but the only way I can get "Today's Posts" is by not being logged on. And must be logged on to get "New Posts." That would conform with my understanding of how they're computed. On some other forums without "New Posts" feature, logging on enables highlighting of the equivalent within the thread list; otherwise, can't identify the new posts.
Wood Butcher
3rd April 2007, 05:49 PM
Joe, the link for "Today's Posts" is in the "Quick Links <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("usercptools"); </script>" drop-down menu that is on the toolbar at the top of every page on the forums.
3rd April 2007, 07:32 PM
Can also Cut & Paste this link, put it in your Bookmarks, or whatever for a daily update.
WW forum Daily Update (
If you have pulled up New Posts, but taken too long to work your way through the pages, the forum marks the threads as read, this means you can't use the Go To First Unread Post button (to the left of the thread title in the listing).
This can be a pain, so if I am going to be held up getting through all posts I open all the New Posts pages in separate tabs, then I can work my way through them when ready.
Otherwise, I end up opening up the WWF home page & view each forum in turn.
Anyone else's "strategies" :rolleyes: for reading the forums efficiently?
3rd April 2007, 07:53 PM
I start from page 10 or whatever and work backwards.
If I havent been active for a while it then reverts to 1 page, then I use the Todays posts link..
Al :)
joe greiner
4th April 2007, 12:28 AM
Like I said, I might have something haywire in my settings. "Quick Links" still gives me "New Posts" option but not "Today's Posts." Scooter's strategy (Open all pages in separate windows) sounds pretty good. Even so, working from oldest to newest, restarting when needed, also works. The only problem with "Today's Posts" is if I've been away for several days. Then "New Posts" gives a more or less complete update. May provide a whole lot more hits than I'd like to wade through, though. In such a situation, prowling each forum from the home page is likely better.
Ain't compu-duh-rs wunnerful?:rolleyes:
[Oh; another oddity: Around 11am USA EDT (something past midnight forum time), WWF seems to lock up. I suppose that's when they do an oil change or such on the server. I have to come back in an hour or so to log out.]