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29th March 2007, 04:40 AM
Maybe it's old age :) but I wake up at 3am nearly every night and stay awake for a couple of hours. That's why I'm on here now!
By 6am, I'm dead tired but only get one more hour before i have to get up. :((
29th March 2007, 06:24 AM
Between two and four hours sleep, three times each day, is all I can manage (if I sit down to read a news paper). If I wasn't called "masoth"
I'd have to be "Grumble Bum".
Honorary Bloke
29th March 2007, 06:44 AM
I awaken at 2:38 every morning (give or take 10 minutes) and toss and turn for an hour or more, or just get up and do something for a while. But, like Gumby, when I go back to sleep it is nearly time to wake up again. :((
29th March 2007, 08:40 AM
Maybe it's old age :) but I wake up at 3am nearly every night and stay awake for a couple of hours.
Commonly known as the alcoholics dawn, see your GP or drink less!!
Not suggesting the latter but could be a number of factors, stress, even though you may not be aware of it, how many worries ijn your life?, do you really miss your work, even though you say you don't?, did you really enjoy the stress of running your own business and now it's all gone and there is no stimulation during the day and the grey matter has bugger all to do all day.
How long is a piece of string.
Honorary Bloke
29th March 2007, 08:42 AM
Commonly known as the alcoholics dawn, see your GP or drink less!!
Aha!! It all comes clear now. :D :rolleyes:
29th March 2007, 09:16 AM
Commonly known as the alcoholics dawn, see your GP or drink less!!
2 glasses of wine a night - hardly alcoholic :cool:
, do you really miss your work, even though you say you don't?, did you really enjoy the stress of running your own business and now it's all gone and there is no stimulation during the day and the grey matter has bugger all to do all day.
How long is a piece of string.
You must have missed something recently. I've been back at work full time for 9 weeks. Same job, less stress.
Honorary Bloke
29th March 2007, 09:30 AM
2 glasses of wine a night - hardly alcoholic :cool:
I trust you realise I was referring to me, not you. :D :D :oo:
29th March 2007, 10:14 AM
But I find the more I drink the more I see of everything, and it is all so crystal clear and everything.
29th March 2007, 10:20 AM
Nah you're just getting old mate. Both my wife's parents and my Mum go through this (the old man seems to have escaped so far). The wife and I used to come home from the pub/club in a drunken state at 2am and her Mum and Dad would be in the kitchen having a cup of tea!
Bleedin Thumb
29th March 2007, 12:26 PM
I wake up at 3.00 am every morning as well, - change of daylight savings means 2.00am gradually getting closer to 3 though now. I heard it was the liver processing the alcohol producing sugars or some such rot.
Any way I just get up have slash and go back to sleep - its only when I'm stressed and my mind is working overtime that I cant get back to sleep.
Or if I've drunk cheap wine and the histamines kick in.....then everyone wakes up.:( Sneezing, snuffling etc.
You know everyone seems to have the own section on this BB these days does the idea of a Mens Health section sound? There seems to be a few threads on the issue coming through on regular occurrence.
29th March 2007, 12:34 PM
Saw an interesting item on prostate cancer on the 7:30 report last night. Still seem to be two schools of thought about screening. I still can't quite get the rationale behind the anti-screening brigade. They seem to be saying that it's better to have 1 out of the 4 people who would show up in the screening test die from cancer than to have the other 3 have unecessary procedures.
29th March 2007, 12:35 PM
I wake at 3 most nights as well, irrespective of what time I got to bed.
Granted it might be due to the screams of the bub wanting a feed (I do the middle of the night one - one of the 'joys' of bottle feeding :rolleyes: )
So my question is this:
How do you answer the poll:
"Sleep like a baby" means waking at 3
"Yes, all the time" means walking at 3
Can I tick both boxes?
29th March 2007, 09:38 PM
Use to wake up at 0100-0200 every morning but when I retired I solved the problem
I now go to bed at 0100-0200 and wake up at 0900-1100 refreshed and sleep easy.
Only problem was a few friends/relatives who would ring at 0800 and when told they had woken us up would reply that they though we would be up at that time , this was stopped by me ringing them back at midnight and saying that I thought they would be up . :D