Toolin Around
25th March 2007, 12:03 AM
Just saw a show on SBS about a guy (translation - idiot) traveling in Alaska. Something to keep in mind... If you see a 1200 plus lb CARNIVORE that goes by the name of GRIZZLY BEAR that's chasing a Moose across the road you happen to be standing on DON'T RUN AFTER IT WITH YOUR CAMERA TO SEE WHAT IT'S UP TO. Not unless you want to be dinner. The moron says "It good that the Grizzly has poor eye sight..." Absolute Farkin idiot. There's an old saying by those that hunt grizzlies... You don't hunt them they hunt you... You just have to be patient enough to wait till they find you... I know you're a tough bunch but I think my money's on the Grizzly. Not that too many of you all will be traveling to Alaska, they have about 2 hours of summer and then it starts snowing again.
It brings back an encounter I had a few years ago when I was on a job in the far North of British Colmbia... I was in a place called Dawson Creek (not quite hell but you can see it from there). The spring thaw was fully underway. Me, being the avid fisherman (and not too bad at it I might add) had a day off so I went into a sporting good store and was loading up on gear hoping I would find a nice virgin stream when one of the staff comes up to me and said "You're not from around here are you?" "No" I said... "Didn't thing so" he says. "If you go out there alone without a gun you'll get yerself fu^&in killed by a grizzly" The conversation went on a bit further... Needless to say I put the gear back and walked out of the sporting goods store and decided my best course of action was to go back to the hotel and watch TV.
It brings back an encounter I had a few years ago when I was on a job in the far North of British Colmbia... I was in a place called Dawson Creek (not quite hell but you can see it from there). The spring thaw was fully underway. Me, being the avid fisherman (and not too bad at it I might add) had a day off so I went into a sporting good store and was loading up on gear hoping I would find a nice virgin stream when one of the staff comes up to me and said "You're not from around here are you?" "No" I said... "Didn't thing so" he says. "If you go out there alone without a gun you'll get yerself fu^&in killed by a grizzly" The conversation went on a bit further... Needless to say I put the gear back and walked out of the sporting goods store and decided my best course of action was to go back to the hotel and watch TV.