View Full Version : Cotton Waste ?? Use it or not

24th March 2007, 08:32 AM
I went out yesterday and picked up Neil's A Polishers Handbook. (Don't like his bad jokes though)

Anyway I have found a place that sells Cotton Waste" http://www.waige.com.au/product.php?productid=16147&cat=0&page=1&featured which looks like chopped up stringy cotton, and I was wondering if that would be OK to use instead of The cotton Wadding/wool that Neil mentions in the book

Or should I just get hold of some cotton wool ??


PS-By the way I really like the way the book is written - It is a "fair-dinkum" Aussie book.... and makes you feel right at home!!!

24th March 2007, 08:56 AM

I would be very, very carefull using this stuff.

The chemicals used in the cotton growing process are not good. There have been issues with feeding stock cotton meal (ground hulls, stalks etc seperated in processing) as the chemicals show up in the meat.

These chemicals stay in your system for a long time and cause all sorts of problems.

I doubt that washing the product would remove these chemicals.

24th March 2007, 10:02 AM
I dont know if that is what the cotton waste is.??

I will check but I thought it was basically "Waste Cotton" from the mills.

I have used it before at work and its like "stringy" (Sorry,not you) cotton rag
type stuff.



Wizened of Oz
26th March 2007, 04:12 PM
Jeez, Stringy, don't go out in a crowd. You'll come in contact with a lot of cotton.
When I worked in the Railway Workshops most blokes had a lump of cotton waste in the overalls pocket for wiping hands and wiping down machinery. Some lived to be 90 but it got them all in the end. And it will get me eventually. :) :) :)
I always thought it was mechanically shredded cotton rags.