View Full Version : Applicator Pads - remaining hairs

18th March 2007, 05:55 PM

We've started painting and we're using applicator pads. I don't really like the effect of rollers (which is a pity because we've managed to collect a pile of them) ie. the stipling and brushes are a little slow and harder to use so we're using applicator pads. I picked up some from a wood show once - one of those spruker guys - although they're often dodgy I thought I'd give them a try. I've used them on a ceiling a while ago and it left a brilliant finish but now we're using them on a wall and I notice heaps of little hairs left behind. Not sure if there were hairs left behind on the ceiling before as I didn't really inpect that closely. I bought an extra one from bunnings today that was only $10 - they didn't have any more expensive ones and I thought it was because it was an el cheapo that it left hairs but the one from the wood show is doing it too - but it is now three years old.

Comments from others that have used these - is this expected behaviour. Can I buy decent quality that won't do this? Where? Alternatively I've heard of some flow additive you can buy to even out the stiple from rollers - does this work well?


27th March 2007, 07:14 PM
It seems they're not used much anymore based on what's in the shops and the response here. Anyway, for what it's worth, I've answered this myself. The top quality ones shed less hairs but they all seem to do it - but the trick is to vacuum them before first use and every use after that. That keeps them down to a minimum

Anyway, fickle bugger I am, I don't like them anymore - great on the ceiling - but you can see the 'brush' strokes up close on a wall. The roller stipple is more pronounced but at least random. I'm learning to be a little less anal (can I say that here) about the perfect finish.

And let me take this opportunity to complain about dodgy painters not priming walls. It's seriously annoying preparing a ceiling - sanding back and filling to have it all sloth off when the first coat goes on.

27th March 2007, 07:42 PM
I bought those pads at the Home Show (same guy). I've used them on walls, doors (gloss enamel) and the ceiling.

The finish is great ! I didn't have hair problems at all.

29th March 2007, 12:17 PM
Not that experienced a painter myself but I imagine a gloss paint would have a higher surface tension - perhaps it irons out any streaks. As far as loosing hairs go - they are so fine and small that you don't really notice them unless you look right up close - particularly the ones from the spruikers.

Then again perhaps I'm just a chronic hair looser <reaches hand up and wistfully runs his hand over his bald pate>.


29th March 2007, 12:20 PM
Oops - seems the forum edits out anything in html brackets if it doesn't understand it. Add to the end of my last comment ... [reaches hand up and wistfully runs his hand over his bald pate]

29th March 2007, 02:47 PM
It looks like you bought the Easi-paint system. I used one to do a lot of painting on a house - worked well. You can find them here http://www.easipaint.com.au/easy-paint-c-5.html where you can get replacement bits etc.