View Full Version : Ozlogs - concrete sleepers

18th March 2007, 04:47 PM
Anyone got any experience with these concrete wood-look sleepers? www.ozlogs.com.au (http://www.ozlogs.com.au)

I'm looking at doing a retaining wall about 4.8m long by 600mm high. The quote I got a while ago was $32 for 1600x200x50 sleepers. Not sure how much the posts are. A bit more expensive than timber but obviously it will last longer. Probably cheaper than bricks and will be much quicker to build.

18th March 2007, 05:03 PM
Never used them , but I like the look of them.I am going to have a look next time I am near the victorian supplier.


18th March 2007, 05:51 PM
I looked a them and the only thing I didn't like was the price. Just couldn't afford it.
They seem like a cheaper method in the long run.

18th March 2007, 07:05 PM
I noticed advertising at our local housing development for these Guys (http://rwinetau.melbourneitwebsites.com/index.html)

18th March 2007, 11:27 PM
Completey off the subject but.

Theremin... do you make strange noises when people bring there hands near you?:D
Has this gag already beed done?

does anybody else know what I'm talking about?:U


joe greiner
19th March 2007, 12:45 AM
Looks like a nifty product. Likely less labour-intesive than brickwork.

does anybody else know what I'm talking about?:U


Yes. About 40 years ago, an elderly friend had two of them. One (or maybe both) loaned to him by Robert Sarnoff (RCA grand poohbah). A mutual friend had told me about it, but I didn't quite believe it until I was able to play the monster. I have a CD of Theremin music, but to tell the truth, most of the pieces sound almost the same. Might just be due to the selections. IIRC, Robert Moog had plans for a DIY of substantially different design in one of the electronic magazines many years ago. (Before he invented the synthesizer, I think.)
