View Full Version : Danish Oil Yellowing

Bruce Wilson
13th March 2007, 07:53 PM

Made a box from Queensland Silver Ash (which is almost white in colour), then after very fine sanding wiped it with one coat of 'Danish Oil' made by Organoil. Sadly, the wood colour is now a pale yellow which detracts from the intent of a white box with contrasting American Walnut handles and feet.
Is there some way of eliminating or reducing the yellowing before applying a second coating of oil followed by waxing ?

With hindsight, now realise should have been more careful in selecting a more suitable finish. What would you have suggested ?

Thanks in anticipation of much learned advice


Carry Pine
13th March 2007, 08:21 PM

You have found out the hard way. Unfortunately many people like the yellowing effect and most of the oils will give you the yellowing effect. There was a thread a while back on this and when i find it, I'll post the reference. I was looking for a finish that would not turn Vic Ash yellow.

Carry Pine

Carry Pine
13th March 2007, 08:25 PM
Bruce: Look here: http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?t=33730&highlight=yellowing+finish

and Ruffly has the last word. You can't get better than that!

Skew ChiDAMN!!
13th March 2007, 08:29 PM
That's probably due to either the drying/metallic agents added to real Danish Oil or the PolyU added to stuff being sold as Danish Oil.

Me, I like my pure Tung Oil. (And I don't mean the "pseudo" Tung Oil which is being sold by Bunnies, etc.) Takes a lot longer to dry, but goes on clear, takes a lot longer to darken with age and you know what you're getting.