View Full Version : The server is too busy at the moment. Please try again later.

27th June 2003, 03:05 PM
Is it just me or is everyone getting hammered (token wood content) by this message, only 35 users on the last time.

It is just me, isn't it .. isn't it, and people call me paranoid, LISTEN people it's not paranoia if it's TRUE.

sorry couldn't reach the medication in time :o

Sir Stinkalot
27th June 2003, 03:13 PM
No I have been getting the same errors at times even with broad band ... I though it was just a message from the computer asking me to get off for once. It may also happen when multiple people are trying to access the same page at the exact same time. You may have to put up with it unless you want to put your hand in your pocket and help Neil finance a new provider/server/board.

Slow Stinky.

28th June 2003, 10:01 AM
Simple solution guys, dont work during the day and get on then. Never seen the busy server message myself!!

30th June 2003, 11:33 AM
I'm only on during business hours, free broadband :)

With wife and kids at home I'm lucky to sit down, let alone log on!

30th June 2003, 05:41 PM
Like I said I'm at work so my only other option is .... work, and to be honest I'd prefer not to :)

1st July 2003, 12:55 AM
The BB averages around 25 hits per minute per month, however there are times when this is much lower and times when it is much higher. Our best recorder was 267 for one minute with a peak recording of 12 in a 1 second period. This was about 6 months ago.

Our server seems to be able to handle it really well. Often it is yours that is the problem not ours. Especially if you are on a really big one with lots if traffic or a really small one with no brain. :D

It may say there are only 35 users on line but the truth of the matter is that there could be many more as not all users are visible when browsing the board.

In the 4 and a bit years the BB has been running I have never received that message. I have had lots of others but never that one.

Cheers - Neil:)

1st July 2003, 08:53 AM
Never seen it from either home or work.

1st July 2003, 09:08 PM
OK I just got the message. I'll check in with the host ISP tomorrow to see why it is happening. Will keep you posted.

Neil :mad:

1st July 2003, 09:58 PM
I have been getting it quite regularly over the last couple of weeks too. The "server busy" message that is !

Wayne Davy
1st July 2003, 10:32 PM
Same here.

2nd July 2003, 10:49 AM
wonder if it is a cyclic thing.

The server tells you thats its busy, thus making the server busier thus requiring the need to tell you that the server is busy, thus making the server busier thus requiring the need to tell you that the server is busy, thus making the server busierthus requiring the need to tell you that the server is busy, thus making the server busier ...........................you get the point!!

3rd July 2003, 12:45 AM
What a clever server, making work to ensure its continuing employment.:D

7th July 2003, 09:45 PM
This has been appearing for several hours now. It really is becoming a pest. Any news on a solution ??
(I note there are only two members, but 26 guests on the board at this time. Is that "normal"?)

Sir Stinkalot
7th July 2003, 10:37 PM
This is not good enough .... why should I have to wait to sponge information out of other woodworkers? I pay my dues ... I occasionally need to replace some EEE or Shellawax ... and all I ask in return is to have a forum where I can access quality information at my fingertips 24 hours a day without waiting. Now tell me is this too much to ask ... or should I start to look elsewhere?


:D :D :D
Just incase you missed it this is my sick sarcastic humor shining through again .... I think we all take this board a little for granted at times and we should stop and think how lucky we are to have such a great forum at such a great price ... but really Neil you should find a solution to the problem.

Wayne Davy
7th July 2003, 11:54 PM

I have also been getting the message for the last 2 hours and could not get on. I needed to bore some more people with Dust Collection BS ;)

8th July 2003, 12:59 AM

I tried several times throughout the day, but no go.

I think the server is slacking off...

8th July 2003, 01:45 AM
I have reset the load limits for the server detection and hopefully this will fix the problem.

8th July 2003, 10:52 AM

Just to clear up any missunderstanding, I wasn't having a go / whinge / moan/ etc, I was sincerly concerned that it was a problem at my end. If the thread sounds like a bitch session then please focus on the undercurrent of indebtedness that people are expressing.

I can imagine how much people whinging about an excellent free service would make your day :rolleyes:

Wayne Davy
8th July 2003, 10:55 AM

Same here mate! Not whinging, just letting you know there was a problem. I too am eternally grateful for your efforts in providing the site! Great Job (Pat, Pat, Pat - Back sore now?)

8th July 2003, 05:56 PM
Geez - Not only are you two a pair of whingers but you are also really, really, really good crawlers.

Problem seems to be fixed. Fingers crossed.

Anyone still getting the "Server busy" message, please let me know.

Cheers - Neil :)

8th July 2003, 06:47 PM
How will I get a message to you if the server is busy ???:D

8th July 2003, 11:19 PM
Actually the first time I got the message when I was trying to read this thread. I thought someone was playing tricks...