View Full Version : Things that go around......

2nd March 2007, 03:37 AM
Well folks I can say that I have officially re-joined the tax paying fraternity after a hiatis of fourteen months following a car accident.

My new position is as Executive Chef at the Brassey Hotel in Canberra, For those out of towners it has been a part of the landscape here since 1927. It was built as an accomodation facility for the pollies to stay at when they came to town, now it is an up-market Hotel.

The strange part is that it is where my lovely wife and I had our wedding reception. Honestly I would not have imagined working there but some things work in mysterious ways.


Here is a link if anyone is interested. http://www.brassey.net.au/


Honorary Bloke
2nd March 2007, 04:05 AM
Well done Pete. :2tsup: That is an interesting looking venue with a lot of history behind it. What sort of menu will you design/feature? A continuation or a changeover? Looks a place that would cater many special events. :)

2nd March 2007, 07:43 AM
Congratulations Pete :2tsup:

2nd March 2007, 08:00 AM
good on you mate. Hope it all pans out nice for you.

Bleedin Thumb
2nd March 2007, 08:16 AM
Sounds like a real good score Pete, enjoy.

2nd March 2007, 08:21 PM
Looks like they give you weekends off (restraunt closed for dinner) so I won't be dropping in with some friends for dinner when I'm in Canberra next.:p