View Full Version : The Era of Guilt.
27th February 2007, 05:42 PM
The Era of Guilt.
Everywhere you look, on the TV, newspapers, the radio, there are people telling you that you have been very naughty
You drive, youre made to feel guilty because you add to the greenhouse gases.
You shower and drink water, so you are made to feel guilty about your water consumption.
You turn on the light and the computer, and you are made to feel guilty.
You go shopping and you are made to feel guilty because you are a consumer.
You cut down a tree to make furniture or to keep warm from burning it, and you are made to feel guilty about it.
Drink grog, and they make you feel guilty about that too.
Smoke a cigarette and they make you feel guilty.
Why have we become a society of guilt ridden people? :C
Al :?
Bleedin Thumb
27th February 2007, 06:03 PM
What are you complaining about, I was brought up by Catholic nuns........
I can teach you a thing or two about guilt believe you me
27th February 2007, 06:22 PM
I am at the stage in life where I don't give a hoot. I just go out and enjoy!
I drive, I drink, I take showers, i cut up wood and do all the "bad" things. Let someone else worry about the Future if there is one. according to thiose in the know we are all doomed! Doomed I say!!
27th February 2007, 06:45 PM
What are you complaining about, I was brought up by Catholic nuns........
I can teach you a thing or two about guilt believe you me
Same here, I was beaten religiously :roll:, by those frustrated old bags at school.
Al :C:U:U:U
27th February 2007, 06:57 PM
Same here, I was beaten religiously :roll:, by those frustrated old bags at school.
Al :C:U:U:U
Villa & St Pats by any chance
27th February 2007, 07:01 PM
Nah, it was somewhere around the Port Melbourne area in the early 60's
Al :(
27th February 2007, 07:26 PM
I don't feel guilty.... a bit confused at times, but not guilty.:rolleyes:
27th February 2007, 07:36 PM
Nah, it was somewhere around the Port Melbourne area in the early 60's
Al :(
Fair enough, i had the impression you were from the Rat :)
27th February 2007, 07:47 PM
Later on I lived in Ballarat.
Al :wink:
27th February 2007, 07:55 PM
The Era of Guilt.
Everywhere you look, on the TV, newspapers, the radio, there are people telling you that you have been very naughty
You drive, youre made to feel guilty because you add to the greenhouse gases.
But if you walk, you get hot and have to drink more and shower when you get to work.
You shower and drink water, so you are made to feel guilty about your water consumption. Perhaps if you drove, you would drink less and not need that extra shower? :D
You turn on the light and the computer, and you are made to feel guilty.Yeah well, you could at least pretend it's love, just for a bit....:-
You go shopping and you are made to feel guilty because you are a consumer. But if you don't you'll still feel guilty because of all the people you'll be putting out of work.
You cut down a tree to make furniture or to keep warm from burning it, and you are made to feel guilty about it. but if you don't cut it down and it falls on your neighbour's roof, it'll be all your fault! :oo:
Drink grog, and they make you feel guilty about that too.
Well why not? Have you seen how poor the dairy farmers are?
Smoke a cigarette and they make you feel guilty. No need for any of you filthy dirty disgusting smokers to feel any guilt at all. Stuff up your own bodies and don't share your putrid after burn with me! :p
Why have we become a society of guilt ridden people? :C
Dunno, must be a Victorian thing! :p :p :p
27th February 2007, 08:26 PM
I felt guilty reading this thread :? .
On one of the current affairs shows (Frontline, I think it's called) tonight they chased this fella from a caravan park becaue he had a habit of taking incredibly long showers.
I thought it was hilarious. There was a tenant in a caravan nearby who monitored this fella's showers and dobbed him in to the show, so they came in and timed him showering then chased him to a bus stop and interviewed him while he boarded a bus.
In other words, they put the same effort into him that they put into paedophiles.
27th February 2007, 08:34 PM
I felt guilty reading this thread :? .
On one of the current affairs shows (Frontline, I think it's called) tonight they chased this fella from a caravan park becaue he had a habit of taking incredibly long showers.
I thought it was hilarious. There was a tenant in a caravan nearby who monitored this fella's showers and dobbed him in to the show, so they came in and timed him showering then chased him to a bus stop and interviewed him while he boarded a bus.
In other words, they put the same effort into him that they put into paedophiles.
Yep I saw the show, they didnt time him in the shower with a clock, they had a calender!! :o
Al :no:
27th February 2007, 08:50 PM
Yep I saw the show, they didnt time him in the shower with a clock, they had a calender!! :o
Al :no:
He is a shocker, I have to admit. I loved the images of him peering out under the door. There's some strange critters around. I personally wish that I had the time to monitor someone like that. One day, one day ....
27th February 2007, 09:13 PM
Perhaps it because the 'Media' find it even easier to make a beat-up story about nothing, instead of putting even the tiniest bit of effort into finding a real story?
Take the beat-up about the poor bloke who likes showers - I haven't seen the show - but here you are, he has not actually commited any offence against the law, they are just harrassing him, he probably hasn't been libeled, he's had HIS privacy invaded but as it was in a public place (under some definitions) he can't order them to go away......Bet the 'Media' don't pay 'site fees' to the local council like any other film production, or have their permission to film. All it 'costs' them is a bit of petrol for the car, all the staff would be 'on salary' and cost the same wether they are on the road or not.
One piece of legislation that would be useful would be one controlling the filming of 'beat-up' non-stories and the harrassing of people who have in fact not committed any offence.
27th February 2007, 09:47 PM
Perhaps it because the 'Media' find it even easier to make a beat-up story about nothing, instead of putting even the tiniest bit of effort into finding a real story?
One piece of legislation that would be useful would be one controlling the filming of 'beat-up' non-stories and the harrassing of people who have in fact not committed any offence.
Frontline did a great job of highlighting these issues. I've developed the opinion over time that Rob Sitch may well be a bit of a genius, along the lines of Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld.
27th February 2007, 09:59 PM
The whole problem is us humans aren't very environmentally friendly. We never have been it's just now there are so many of us. The world is full. We need a damn good plague to sort us out (or check out the link below)
Your two choices are to either follow Ernknot and eat drink and be merry. Or go bush and become a mung bean. I'm leaning towards the mung bean but I'm pretty sure it's not going to make any difference.
Have a read of this to understand the problems that are facing humankind. It's not pretty. Converging Catastrophies (
Honorary Bloke
27th February 2007, 10:03 PM
What are you complaining about, I was brought up by Catholic nuns........
I can teach you a thing or two about guilt believe you me
Me too. Remember, you weren't only guilty if you did anything, you were guilty if you thought about doing anything! Or if you thought about thinking about it. :no:
27th February 2007, 10:06 PM
Your two choices are to either follow Ernknot and eat drink and be merry. Or go bush and become a mung bean. I'm leaning towards the mung bean but I'm pretty sure it's not going to make any difference.
I want to eat, drink and be a happy mung bean.
27th February 2007, 10:06 PM
Don't worry about all that Grunt
its not likely to be a problem
some ****
nuclear weapons
Big Shed
27th February 2007, 10:07 PM
Can't happen in Victoria, Steve Bracks has promised we will be asked before they can use nukes in Victoria:rolleyes:
27th February 2007, 10:09 PM
Midge, you think there is a market for Mung Bean Moonshine?
27th February 2007, 10:25 PM
human are ruled by fear
if l dont stay at school l wont get a job
if l pick my nose it will bleed
if l tell the the boss to stick it l wont have a job
if l dont have a job you be hungry and cold
if l don't duck when people are shooting you may be shot
if l don't change the oil in your car every 10,000 km it wiil stop
if l don't tow the line you will be diffrent
if if
it goes on for ever don't it when does the ifs stop
tred lightly and do no harm is the answer
it feels like friday
and yes we will have nuke power any way l think we have left it to late for anything else
27th February 2007, 10:27 PM
Later on I lived in Ballarat.
Al :wink:
They still haven't forgiven you for you indescretions:?
you are still banned for life:2tsup: :p :D :p :p
27th February 2007, 10:40 PM
They still haven't forgiven you for you indescretions
So which schools did you go to Fred :)
27th February 2007, 10:50 PM
So what is wrong with it? We are at the stage that we need to be told.
If we all do our bit then we shouldn’t be feeling guilty. Do you feel guilty? If so why?
27th February 2007, 10:59 PM
Wongo, the problem is doing our bit really isn't enough. Even if you are frugal, turn you lights out, drive less and don't shower we still will be unsustainable. The problem is not what we do but the number of us doing it.
Try this little quiz.
27th February 2007, 11:01 PM
I do agree that guilt won't get us anywhere. Either make a fundamental change to your life if that makes you feel better or sit back back and enjoy. Either way you get to watch the horror show as it unfolds.
27th February 2007, 11:13 PM
Grunt, I fully understand.
Heard a guy on the radio tonight. He questioned why we had to sacrifice so much to save the environment when we have only 1.5% of carbon emission.:~ We should work together and it should start from the rich nations.
Do I feel guilty? Yes and I am doing something about it.
27th February 2007, 11:14 PM
So which schools did you go to Fred :)
I'm just a ring-in Lignum
Came to Ballarat in 91
27th February 2007, 11:17 PM
Can we really save the planet? Probably not.
Can we buy more time? Maybe.
27th February 2007, 11:23 PM
Can we really save the planet? Probably not.
Can we buy more time? Maybe.can we save the planet the panet dosn't need saving it will be just fine as soon as it gets rid of the fleas of its back .what people need to remember is we need it it dosn't need us
27th February 2007, 11:27 PM
After reading that Peak Oil forum,:hmm: its clear the end is nigh.:gaah::bye2:
I'm now trading carbon emissions for cocaine and hallucinogens. :joystick: :sweatdrop: :lbs:
27th February 2007, 11:29 PM
can we save the planet the panet dosn't need saving it will be just fine as soon as it gets rid of the fleas of its back .what people need to remember is we need it it dosn't need us
27th February 2007, 11:29 PM
I blame the medical scientists for global warming. They spend squillions on finding ways to keep us mortals alive longer, consuming more, wasting more. We need more cows to eat (they fart a lot - more methane) and cabagges (which need lots of chemicals and make us fart - more methane) and cars (which manufacturers refuse to make more efficient) which burn more fuel. If they left us alone to see out our natural life spans global warming wouldn't be a problem. I have a plan. If you reach 60 and need to take more than 2 pills a day don't take 'em. You're only prolonging the inevitable. Spend your assets and die happy. Not dribbling on a drip, semi-comatose in a bloody home ignored, unloved and gaga.
Its evolution. The greens are mad. So is Al Gore.
Rant over.
27th February 2007, 11:31 PM
can we save the planet the panet dosn't need saving it will be just fine as soon as it gets rid of the fleas of its back .what people need to remember is we need it it dosn't need us
Good point.
I should say "saving ourselves" rather than "saving the planet".
27th February 2007, 11:34 PM
Quite sobering isn't it?
Peak Oil will get us first. I believe we reached Peak Oil in December 2005 at a tad under 85 million barrels a day. We haven't exceeded that since. Watch petrol prices go up over $100 a barrel this year.
In as little as 9 years the world will have to cope with only 45 million barrels a day. All of our economies won't cope with that.
27th February 2007, 11:38 PM
I don't mean to hi-jack this thread, but is it true that jet fuel can only be made from oil??
27th February 2007, 11:40 PM
One thing I don’t understand about this peak oil thing is if we are running out of oil, how then are we going to fly those big A380 for the next 50 years?
27th February 2007, 11:43 PM
I don't mean to hi-jack this thread, but is it true that jet fuel can only be made from oil??
Don't know, but if there are humans that are intelligent enough to make technology like this (¤t=f1.flv), then surely they know things they're not telling us yet.......until they're ready to make cash and power out of it.:~
27th February 2007, 11:50 PM
Now that is impressive!....... in a racing sense
hows the bloke not holding his ears?? What a wanker
He's just trying to look cool I think
Iv'e only been to the F1 once.......they are seriously fast
27th February 2007, 11:59 PM
what do you mean:?
28th February 2007, 12:03 AM
a simple fact about people they wont change until they have to
nobody going to give up what they have and others are not going to stop trying to get what other people have more than them
28th February 2007, 12:15 AM
what do you mean:?
word (
Bleedin Thumb
28th February 2007, 07:59 AM
Same here, I was beaten religiously :roll:, by those frustrated old bags at school.
Al :C:U:U:U
Mate weren't they the most viscous creatures alive. I received the cane in Kindergarten and when I was in grade 2 I was getting the cane every second day - that was at 8 yrs old!
No wonder I'm so emotionally scared:C :U and a devout atheist.
28th February 2007, 08:21 AM
I have a plan. If you reach 60 and need to take more than 2 pills a day don't take 'em.
Why 60?
Why not apply that as soon as you stop working?
And the next step obviously must be that you get one last pill when you reach the cutoff point.
You'd never need any more medication that way, and look at all the money the government would save with no pensions. :wink:
28th February 2007, 08:42 AM
Why 60?
Why not apply that as soon as you stop working?
And the next step obviously must be that you get one last pill when you reach the cutoff point.
You'd never need any more medication that way, and look at all the money the government would save with no pensions. :wink:
Logan's Run!
28th February 2007, 09:39 AM
Mate weren't they the most viscous creatures alive. I received the cane in Kindergarten and when I was in grade 2 I was getting the cane every second day - that was at 8 yrs old!
No wonder I'm so emotionally scared:C :U and a devout atheist.
Ok, so what's everyone else's excuse?
Bleedin Thumb
28th February 2007, 09:49 AM
Ok, so what's everyone else's excuse?
Lack of caneing probably:D
Bleedin Thumb
28th February 2007, 09:52 AM
. Not dribbling on a drip, semi-comatose in a bloody home ignored, unloved and gaga.
Sounds like me most nights of the week:D
28th February 2007, 05:07 PM
No wonder I'm so emotionally scared:C :U and a devout atheist.
Al :~
28th February 2007, 05:16 PM
I was flogged mercilessly at high school by the deputy headmaster. It was a middle aged women. Any excuse - I copped it. Across the palms, once one the knuckles, back of the knees. She was a woman possessed. Odd thing though, it wasn't until I was a few years older and worldly wise that I realised why she moaned more than I did. I thought she was feeling sorry for me. :C :doh:
28th February 2007, 06:45 PM
Guilt and frustration? Frustration? I'm as frustrated as a dog with a stiff neck!!!!
28th February 2007, 06:47 PM
I was flogged mercilessly at high school by the deputy headmaster. It was a middle aged women. Any excuse - I copped it. Across the palms, once one the knuckles, back of the knees. She was a woman possessed. Odd thing though, it wasn't until I was a few years older and worldly wise that I realised why she moaned more than I did. I thought she was feeling sorry for me. :C :doh:
Which isw why politicians will never re introduce corporal punishment in prisons..........why should common criminals get free what they have to pay for:rolleyes:
28th February 2007, 10:37 PM
cripes..I went past 3000 posts and missed it. :doh: I hope it was a useful one ..though I doubt :wink: