View Full Version : Help on "Scotchbrite" type Scourers
23rd February 2007, 09:09 AM
Tried some elcheapo (green) scourers with danish oit and ended up with a greenish job.
Can anyone provide me with a source of decent scourers?
Bruce C
23rd February 2007, 03:03 PM
The kitchen. They're supposed to work a bit better for finishing once they've been broken in.
journeyman Mick
23rd February 2007, 04:56 PM
next time you head down the hill to the big smoke, try Cairns Wholesale Paints, corner Buchan and Southern Access road. Should have them in different grades.
23rd February 2007, 05:33 PM
next time you head down the hill to the big smoke, try Cairns Wholesale Paints, corner Buchan and Southern Access road. Should have them in different grades.
Mick, Thanks mate, will do.
Bruce C
Cliff Rogers
23rd February 2007, 06:04 PM
Apparently Russco also have something like it called Micromesh, I haven't been for a look yet.
23rd February 2007, 06:19 PM
Most industrial suppliers carry these (, I think I got my last box from Blackwoods.
24th February 2007, 09:52 PM
Any specialist abrasive supplier should be able to sort you out,
automotive refinis supplier
or possibly
cleaning supplier
the domestic scourers are :? OK for some work, but they are too small, not available in different grades and arguably not as consistent.
I find maroon the most usefull colour
from memory
black coarse & nasty
green still coarse
maroon ( red) much more like it
grey finer
there are also some specialist stuff like it specificaly designed for wood work.
you can also get round ones that go on your ROS but you need to use them on slow speed or they go... ZZZZIP FFFLLLIPPPT:o across the workshop.
25th February 2007, 09:01 AM
Thanks Guys, Managed to get some samples from a panel beating mate, they also have available in that trade a great range of polishing abrasives I'm going to try
Bruce C