View Full Version : Relocate split system

20th February 2007, 03:30 PM
Seems I have scored a near to new 3hp split system in perfect running condition.

2 problems..

1. It is already installed, operational etc
2. It is not already installed at my house!

Has anyone had experience of removing and recommissioning these units before. What have you done with the refrigerant gas etc?

20th February 2007, 04:45 PM
Seems I have scored a near to new 3hp split system in perfect running condition.

2 problems..

1. It is already installed, operational etc
2. It is not already installed at my house!

Has anyone had experience of removing and recommissioning these units before. What have you done with the refrigerant gas etc?

To relocate you can "pump down" the refrigerant. This process removes the refrigerant from the pipes and indoor unit, storing it in the compressor. Venting the gas to the air is a big no-no and could get you into a fair amount of trouble if caught.

20th February 2007, 05:48 PM
Hard for you to de-gas / gas the unit.

Get a fridgy to de-gas it, you remove it,
Install it,
Fridgy re-gases it,

Wont cost much really.

21st February 2007, 08:48 AM
Thanks for the tips....

OK how do you PUMP DOWN the gas? Is it possible to do this with no access to refridgeration tools?

21st February 2007, 03:52 PM
Hi JimC

If your not a spark I'd check for implications for your house ins before wiring it in.

I don't know that for sure - but I do know for sure that I'd check if it were me.

Good luck any way

Keith S

21st February 2007, 04:54 PM
I had two 1.5HP inverter splits removed by the Daikin dealer who originally installed them, prior to my house being demolished.

Cost me $200- for the removal for both, although he reckons I must of caught him on a good day when I asked him how much!!:U

I havent done anything about a reinstall as yet though.....