View Full Version : melbourne to shanghai

19th February 2007, 11:57 AM
Telephoned my flight company last week, China Eastern, to check flight details for flight home via Shanghai.
I think the flight company have bumped me.
The original flight was supposed to be flight MU566 to Shanghai at 08.40 am Sunday the 18th March..
They have given me a new flight number leaving at 13.00. The conversation was difficult because of language/accent. Can anyone tell me where to check for flights on the internet of all flights out of Melbourne (tullamarine)
I have checked china eastern web site and the 8am flight is still listed but not a 13.00 flight!

19th February 2007, 12:18 PM
I can't help myself!
Which language is the problem?:?
Try using Google with your 'new' flight number - I used the old and quoted one and got lots of detail (in Chinese).


19th February 2007, 12:23 PM
........... and, translation is available.


19th February 2007, 12:48 PM
Try this link http://www.melbourne-airport.com.au/fids/keySearchResults.asp?fltType=Deps&fltDate=3%2F18%2F2007&SearchTerm=MU&fltOrigin=&SearchType=Keyword+Search&fltTimeTable=s&timeType=SCT&fltTimeMin=&fltTimeHr=&fltNumber=&intD=I&page=schedKeySearch.asp&submit.x=15&submit.y=4


Kev M

20th February 2007, 01:10 PM
Thanks for replies, I had another go at the Sydney office and got better support (accent and language) and it appears that the original flight sset for early morning is no longer operating and a new flight time and number is now operative.