View Full Version : The Colour of U-Beaut White Shellac?
10th February 2007, 11:17 PM
Has the colour of U-Beaut White Shellac changed in the past year? Today I replaced a bottle that I bought 2 WW shows ago, and it was very much darker in colour. Is the lighter stuff still available?
Pics show some comparisons.
12th February 2007, 01:05 AM
Unfortunately it is sometimes slightly darker depending on what was contaminating the Ganges :o at the time the raw product was washed. :no:
Lighter one was most likely a weaker brew. The bulk of what we now make is stronger and needs to be cut by around 50/50 with metho. Think you'll find it's that simple. Nothing has changed. Actually, any that has been made since around Sept last year should be even lighter than the older stuff as the last lot of raw shellac to come in from India was of a much slightly higher grade and lighter colour.
Unless you have contaminated it with metal of any sort. Even the smallest piece of metal from steel wool can make it go dark in a short time. Once saw a 200 litre drum go almost black over a period of a few weeks. No one knew why. When the drum was emptied they found a 12mm ring spanner sitting on the bottom.
Cheers - Neil :U
12th February 2007, 07:22 AM
Thanks Neil. Both bottles have the same label suggesting a 50/50 dilution in meths. The new one was bought on the day of the original post, so I assume it was made since Sept last year (the expiry date is 1/2008).
No probs - just wondering.
Is the white shellac stocked by Bunnings?
12th February 2007, 09:16 AM
Would have been made up in August 06. Dates are 18 mth.
Only place to stock it in SA (that I know of) is Mik. We only sell through Specialist Suppliers.
Cheers - Neil :U
12th February 2007, 09:21 AM
Just curious the. The old one looks like it has already been thinned. You didn't by any chance forget that you had thinned it, did you?
I can never remember having a batch that looked that light in colour when full strength.
14th February 2007, 01:28 PM
Would have been made up in August 06. Dates are 18 mth.
Only place to stock it in SA (that I know of) is Mik. We only sell through Specialist Suppliers.
Cheers - Neil :U
MIK seem to be out of stock of most of the Ubeaut stuff whenever I go in there. I usually order any stuff direct from Neil.
14th February 2007, 07:29 PM
The Colour of U-Beaut White Shellac?
Let me guess. White?