View Full Version : Penetrol for brush marks?
6th February 2007, 02:04 PM
Hi. I have been told that to avoid brush marks when applying estapol, you can add penetrol and this will help. Is this so? If so, how much do you add? Or is there anything better to use? Thanks
6th February 2007, 02:20 PM
Penetrol is supposed to be good stuff but I haven't used the paint additive only the wood oil (it's good). Polyeurethane can be thinned with turps to make it even out a bit easier, try about 10% or even thinner for the first coat, then sand it well.
Wood Butcher
6th February 2007, 05:42 PM
Hi Karen,
Penetrol does help to even out the brush marks, I used it when the missus and I renovated a house in Warwick. As for how much, we just followed the directions on the side of the tin.