View Full Version : THANKS to all who offered advice, lounge & passage completed

4th February 2007, 04:39 PM
I would like to say THANKS:2tsup: to all those who offered great advice on everything from how to fit the new cornices, the pine lining boards, the work done to recycle the 5-light sliding door into a 1-light door and 1-fixed light set including un-doing and re-doing the M&T joints on the door, and the finishing of the wood trim.
I would also like to thank my wife Geraldine for the long hours of work she put into hand painting the ceiling rose and the figures on the pelmet, not to mention the great curtains and advice on colour co-ordinating the room. (The sun-set photo on the wall is her great photograpy also)
We are really happy with the final result which could not have possibly happened without the advice received on this great forum.
Phill & Geraldine.