View Full Version : Garage shelving/storage?

23rd January 2007, 04:12 PM
I'm in Perth and looking for some solid affordable shelving/storage for my garage. The "lockit" shelving from Bunnings is quite expensive for all that it is. Can anyone recommend a better alternative?

23rd January 2007, 07:20 PM
Hi dexx

have alook at the IKEA site, they have modular wooden stuff and others - I have some in the garage they hold quite a bit and you can add and subtract to your lay out. I also have some of the bunnings shelving.


23rd January 2007, 07:54 PM
If you want STRONG shelving, take a look at 'pallet racking' - minumum depth is usually 600mm, or around 2 ft in old-speak, and height starts around 2400mm or 8 ft unless someone has cut it down. Up to 300kg+ per shelf and you can climb on it - if you don't read the manufacturer's instructions.

Not the cheapest shelving but it's often available 'used' - my garage is fitted out with it - cost ~$1400 for 8 metres of bays, 6 uprights (1x3, 2x2, 1x1.2) and I had the supplier cut the uprights to 2100mm so they fitted under the RSJ's holding up the next storey. Some of mine comes from BBC Hardware which was taken over by Bunnings - rather than repaint it they just traded it in on new red stuff, grey suited me just fine - it also comes in zinc, orange & blue that I've seen.

24th January 2007, 03:46 PM
It all depends on your own measure of 'affordable'. The IKEA timber shelving is actually quite good (I've been carting mine around since the early 90's) for the dollars but really good shed shelving is expensive no matter which way you go.

We bought our steel shelving at the local 2nd hand office furniture place. It's warehouse shelving made from steel sheet. Looks like this.
Cost us about $800 for 4 bays (each bay is roughly 1000w x 3000h x 400d, 4 shelves per bay plus the base) from memory.

Otherwise there's the good old Dexion slotted angle http://www.dexion.com.au/slottedangle.cfm

25th January 2007, 01:10 AM
Hi all

Just spotted a second hand cmmercial selving place on bannister road canningvale. did stop for a look, so you will have to go and check it out


25th January 2007, 09:03 AM
Hi Dexx

I have a lot of the "hammerlock"style steel shelving and have found it great. It may seem expensive but the versatility of it makes up for that.

Mine has been used for shelving (der) workbenches for woodwork and rebuilding car engines, stand for my table router, temporary TV cabinet (covered with thick sheet so didnt look too bad) and scaffold to paint the eaves of the house.

Where it shines is its adapatability. I have moved a lot (5 houses in 4years) and have set it up in many configurations for the specific garage space.

So for me it has been great. A hint to halve the cost is to set each storage unit up and then space them 900 apart along the wall and use mdg shelves with battens for support to join them. Almost doubles the value :2tsup:

There was a timber (pine framing) modular system that appeared in one of the Australian Woodsmith mags. Perhaps a member has that issue and you may be able to order it as a backissue.

good luck

"Dazzler the hammerlock man"."