23rd January 2007, 02:10 PM
I am making a Bar for the house and the timber I have used is Vic Ash/ Tassie Oak (got it cheap from a clearance place). I was planning on using the Ubeaut Water Based Dye to stain the timber when fiished. Just for reference, 15 parts water, 5 parts Cedar and 1 part Yellow, looks OK.:2tsup: Anyway, I was reading the using the sanding sealer first and then applying the dye makes the dye go on without "blotching". I have tested my colour mix without sanding sealler and had no problem with blotching so my question is should I apply a coat of sanding sealer first and then the dye OR as I had first thought, Dye and then maybe a couple of coats of shellac. :?:?:?