View Full Version : Rendering foundations

18th January 2007, 07:10 PM

I have a brick veneer house with wooden floor boards.
Some of the cement is falling off my concrete foundations. What mix of cement do I need to render them. I also would like to render around the windows, doors and corners of the house.


18th January 2007, 07:17 PM
There is usually some underlying reason for render to fall off, if you re-do it, it may just fall off again.

Pictures would help.

Al :)

18th January 2007, 07:43 PM
The house is about 30 years old. I think there may have been some ground movement. Occassionally when it rains a small pool of water gathers against the foundation. I think this may cause the render to lift off. There are patches around the house like this. Most of the render appears to be solid.


18th January 2007, 07:49 PM
when it rains


Whats Rain?? :?:U

Ok, it sounds as though there maybe a Damp Proof Course issue there, as in the DPC has failed.

Is there a film of white fluffy substance on the wall (efflorescence)?

Al :)

18th January 2007, 07:57 PM
No there is no white stuff. Hardly ever rains here. I just had a nother good look at the render and it looks mostly good apart from a few spots especially on the corners. Being an old housing trust home it's had lots of wear and tear.

Would I need to remove the whole lot or just redo sections? I intend to paint the outside eventually.


18th January 2007, 08:04 PM
I would only patch the spots that need doing, if the rest is solid Id leave it.

Al :)

18th January 2007, 08:07 PM
Ok good. What type of mix should I use? would it be the same mix to render around a window?


18th January 2007, 08:12 PM
Ok good. What type of mix should I use? would it be the same mix to render around a window?


Sorry I forgot about this bit.:B

Render with a 3 sand to 1 cement mix using sharp sand, if you use brickies sand it will have too much clay in it, and it will drag as you screed it.

Al :)

18th January 2007, 08:14 PM
Thanks for your help Al

18th January 2007, 08:17 PM
No problem, the invoice is in the mail..

Al :U

27th March 2007, 06:37 PM
Chip out bits that are daggy and paint a bondcrete mix onto exposed brickwork. Buy bagged render and follow my advice posted in render section.
you'll do fine.