View Full Version : How many poles could a Pole poll if a Pole could poll poles?

13th January 2007, 01:27 PM

How many poles (n. a rod, especially one that is cylindrical in section and fixed in the ground as a support.) could a Pole (n. a citizen or inhabitant of, or person born in, Poland.) poll (n. a survey of public opinion carried out by directly questioning a representative sample of the populace.) if a Pole (n. a citizen or inhabitant of, or person born in, Poland.) could poll (n. a survey of public opinion carried out by directly questioning a representative sample of the populace.) poles (n. a rod, especially one that is cylindrical in section and fixed in the ground as a support.)?

There seem to be a lot of polls on the forum today. I thought I'd add a few more. :roll:

Cliff Rogers
13th January 2007, 02:31 PM
Where is the "I don't give a rat's ring" option? :?

joe greiner
14th January 2007, 12:25 AM
Well, I guess it all depends on whether or not the Pole made the pole himself. If he did, he'd have to use a lathe. For part of that he'd have to chuck the wood. Then we need to know how much wood he could chuck. All of this would make him a wood chucker, and then . . . Hmmm. My train of thought just derailed.


14th January 2007, 08:00 AM