View Full Version : State vs State vs Territory... The BIGGEST poll ever.
Sir Stinkalot
27th May 2003, 02:06 PM
Are you ready to take part in one of the BIGGEST* polls ever seen on this wood working forum?
Do you have what it takes?
Be part of the problem …. Not the solution?
(sorry should read be part of the solution and NOT the problem)
Just interested to see where the majority of Australian woodworkers are currently residing. It seems from looking at the posts currently that Qld and WA have a very good showing.
Show your loyalties to your state/territory and cast your vote TODAY!!
And what are we playing for Stinky?
”Who will take home the mantle of being Australia’s most populated woodworking state/territory?”
* This has been included by our advertising department and may hold no factual evidence.
PS: It also gives me a chance to try the post a poll option:p
Depending on the success of this poll it may even go global some time in the future ... hold tight.
Wayne Davy
27th May 2003, 02:45 PM
Hey Stinkie,
This is neat - I push the QLD button a few times and the little graph goes up and up. Fun :D
Sir Stinkalot
27th May 2003, 03:06 PM
I hope that you only pressed it once otherwise you will compromise my results and I will have no chance of getting the findings published in ... "Australian Wood Review".
Even the mere mention that you may have voted more than once casts a dark and dingy shadow on the credibility of this poll.
All I wanted to do was get more responses than you got for the cyclone posts. :p
Senior Stinkologist
(The Ponds Institute)
Wayne Davy
27th May 2003, 03:19 PM
Just kiding around mate (you can only vote once anyway)
As for beating my Cyclone post count (which is still growing) - you need actual posts not Poll clicks :D
27th May 2003, 03:46 PM
So far the pole indicates that the Victorians are on the Net and not in the workshop!
Sir Stinkalot
27th May 2003, 03:54 PM
Or like me they should be working but happen to find time to check this board every 5-20 minutes. :D
Aint that right Wayne? :p
WA are not awake yet! ;)
Wayne Davy
27th May 2003, 03:59 PM
I'm not here - never have been - its all a figment of your/my imagination :confused: Dorothy, I'm home.
QUEENSLANDS - Get you fingers out.
Sir Chiz
27th May 2003, 04:45 PM
Thanks a lot,Stinkalot,
You could have at least included "the toilet"
So I could vote too! :D
Sir Chizalot.
Sir Stinkalot
27th May 2003, 05:07 PM
Lets just wait and see Sir Chiz,
After we establish the user levels in each of Australia's states I think we will then move onto a battle of the Tasman, Aus v's NZ, I don't quite know what for but it will be a battle to the end. After Australia has completely crushed NZ then we can take on the world (including USA). Just think of this as our own little world series of baseball (just one country) at the moment. Stay tuned however as the Olympics of polls is just around the corner. For the purpose of this exercise we will skip the Commonwealth internet polls as we all know we should be a republic (ohhh … so topical there Stinky … bad bad).
Are we some way related in the royal sense?
Sir Stinkalot
27th May 2003, 08:14 PM
Or should the survey be "Where do most of the contributors/visitors to this B.B. reside?:confused:
27th May 2003, 11:11 PM
Obviously in Victoria it is too cold to be out in the workshop, so they are all on the internet
Little Festo
28th May 2003, 10:27 AM
Hey, does the NT numbers get multiplied by 50. Not too many people will put up with our heat, humidity and isolation BUT they are missing our so I won't complain too much.
Peter - from the sparsly populated North
Sir Stinkalot
28th May 2003, 12:24 PM
Why so many views but so little votes?
Does this poll need to be extended to International voters as well ... are we limiting the numbers by excluding our foreign friends?
Your privacy will be guaranteed, I will not be able to track you down and knock off your tools.
Sir Chiz
28th May 2003, 05:20 PM
Ok Sir Stink,I get it. ;)
Kinda like The Champeen waitin' fer the contenders
to make their way to the top. :cool:
Oh,don't forget,Canada is attached to the U.S. :D
I used to be just a common "Chizzler" until I was
dubbed "Sir Chizalot" by the
"Knights of the Warped Table" :D
Not royalty really,just happened to be the only one at the Guild that was short enough to fit into the suit of armour. :D
Sir Chizalot the Chickenheart.
28th May 2003, 09:14 PM
Consider this.
If every person in victoria had a shed of 20 square metres how much of the state would be left?
Its realy cold tonight it'll get down to 12 degrees outside tonight.
Had to wear a jumper till at least 10 oclock today.
Wayne Davy
28th May 2003, 10:02 PM
It is getting very cold isn't it. Must be 16 degrees at the moment! ;)
Shane Watson
28th May 2003, 11:46 PM
Geez Wayne after eating a litre of icecream its at least 19! Your thermometre must need re-colibrating..hahahah.. ;)
29th May 2003, 10:02 AM
5 stinking degrees - 7am
refeshing? NO
bracing? NO
envigorating? NO
just bloody cold? YES
Wood Borer
29th May 2003, 10:44 AM
I was recently told the following "joke".
Why do Queenslanders turn up the sides on their Akubras? So three of them can sit side by side in the back of ute and still wear their hats.
Is this true or is it some disillusioned mexican jealous of what your state offers?
- Wood Borer (Victorian)
Wayne Davy
29th May 2003, 10:57 AM
Wood Borer,
It is advisable to wear your Hat in Queensland as it is nice and sunny nearly all the time. We do have a spot of rain at the moment, so a Hat is also handy. As for the joke, it is definitely jealousy.
BTW: Its a bit cold up here at the moment. Current Brissy forcast from the Weather Dept.
Cloudy periods with a shower or two. Fresh gusty SE winds.
Brisbane Maximum ... 21
Bayside Maximum ... 20
UV INDEX - 4 [Moderate]
Friday ... Shower or two. MIN 12 MAX 21
Saturday ... Shower or two. MIN 12 MAX 22
Sunday ... Mostly fine MIN 14 MAX 22
They are usually out a bit (surprise) and it hardly ever gets DOWN to their predicted temp :p
Wayne Davy
29th May 2003, 10:59 AM
It was 16 on the thermometer WHICH is located outside my toy shop in the wind!
29th May 2003, 11:22 AM
On a couple of days off and up at my second home up the other side of omeo.
3 degrees at the moment, and its not winter yet. Three hours ago it was -3, before the sun came up over the mountains. The deer are in rut, the bush is coming green after the fires and the grass is starting to grow again - wouldn't be anywhere else for quids. Victoria rules (if only that was still the case with the footy).
John Saxton
2nd June 2003, 08:43 PM
AHHH! winter doncha just love it,was here a minute ago and power spike cut me off ...didn't affect 'Er Indoors watchin' New's on TV.
I reckon it's a ploy to get you dialing up again and another fee charged !
In the West we're presently 16 degrees down from 18 cool even for this time of the year in a mediterranean type'nt know why 'Er Indoors is all fired to get back to Q'land what with all the lifestyle garnered here over the past 30 odd years.
Horses for courses I guess!
Stay cool ....but keep warm :D
2nd June 2003, 09:42 PM
All this "bragging" about Qld/WA temperatures presupposes that we all like that weather. Well, I for one, do not. I would not live in WA or Qld for anything. Give me Melbourne autumns & winters any day. It does not really get that cold here, and it is infinitely better than the humidity of Qld.
6 degrees Celsius is what I call a nice morning. :D
2nd June 2003, 11:58 PM
The thingabout Melbourne is that you not only get autumns and winters any day - you get winter, autumn, spring and summer every day
Shane Watson
29th July 2003, 11:30 PM
Try Darwin at the moment...Mid 30's (was 34 when I left) with relatively high humidity....And they call that the middle of winter.....They can keep it, I just dred the day work sends me up there in the middle of summer!! :eek:
1st August 2003, 08:01 PM
NSW now leading QLD by one vote !!!!!
11th August 2003, 04:50 PM
the problem is of course that real estate prices on NSW mean we are too busy trying not to lose our houses to the fargen banks... oh, and of course respond to silly mexican polls.
14th August 2003, 11:28 PM
if the south is soo good why are we up to out arm pits in refugees from the cold.
Id be interested to poll a few retirement villages.
Wood Borer
15th August 2003, 02:27 PM
At least we have more time to glue our joints before the glue sets. (If of course we can stop shivering for long enough to take the top off the glue bottle)
We look forward to you visiting us when it gets hot in Melbourne and you blokes are being blown around a bit by Cyclones.
Perhaps you could bottle some of your Cyclones and sell them to us for dust collection in our sheds. You could use the empty stubbies with the four kisses on the label!
- Wood Borer
15th August 2003, 04:55 PM
wood borer maaaaaaaate thats how they spell beer
15th August 2003, 09:00 PM
FXST, Mate thats not beer, thats cats .:D
John Saxton
16th August 2003, 12:41 AM
According to the poll there's more Victorians enjoying a break from marital bliss (no offense intended) so that means the rest of us have just gotta get on out there and produce! Er........ wood/thingies that is!
27th August 2003, 10:16 AM
Stinky - Your pole is flawed..............
You forgot bout the many members who live outside Australia.
Anyway, your pole is now closed.
Neil :)