View Full Version : Linseed oil boiled or not boiled
5th January 2007, 09:05 PM
Can someone please tell me the difference between boiled linseed oil and raw linseed oil?
Is it because boiled linseed oil is cooked so it is food safe? :D just joking. :D
5th January 2007, 09:20 PM
Boiled linseed oil used to be boiled in the olden days.
These days chemical driers are used instead of cooking the oil, so they are not food safe.
I buy raw linseed oil from a farm supplies so it won't have harmful additives in it . Or if you can buy it as Flaxseed oil from health stores.
Walnut oil is foodsafe and is a drying oil.
5th January 2007, 10:13 PM
Bob, I was being silly on the "food safe" bit.:doh:
Does boiled linseed oil dry faster? Do they work differently?
Big Shed
6th January 2007, 09:29 AM
Wongo, you would have found this
if you had done a search, this will reveal all:;
Some useful stuff on that site.
6th January 2007, 10:28 AM
Cheers Fred, that was really helpful.:2tsup:
6th January 2007, 04:28 PM
Apparently, boiled linseed oil is not really boiled.......its just raw linseed oil with dryers in it so it will cure overnight, instead of over weeks.
Yeh, so get the boiled stuff if you want to save some time.
So, I've read......probably not a good idea to try and actually boil linseed oil. Could start a fire
6th January 2007, 05:51 PM
I only use raw linseed but I mix it
equal parts linseed , poly & turps. It dries very nicely
The mix is really a danish oil clone.
6th January 2007, 05:55 PM
I seem to remember Neil advising readers of his book not to ever use boiled linseed. But I don't think he explained why - that's why it's stuck in my mind - I'm still curious.
6th January 2007, 10:04 PM
OK I am going the Maloof mix for my chair
It is equal part of tung oil, linseed oil and polyU. I am just not sure if I should use boiled or raw linseed oil.
What should I do team?
My guess is Maloof uses boiled linseed oil. He did say that his mix will dry overnight.
6th January 2007, 11:06 PM
its the poly that sets it and it don't make difference whetther you use raw or boiled
7th January 2007, 12:56 AM
Thank you for this information. I always wonder what finish to put on. This is not yet a very known domain to me.
Tex B
8th January 2007, 05:58 AM
Maloof's ( finish apparently uses boiled linseed oil.
8th January 2007, 02:27 PM
Thanks TexB.
I have 2 more questions for you oil experts out there.
q1: is raw tung oil same as pure tung oil
q2: this is Maloof's mix
Boiled Linseed Oil
Raw Tung oil (not Waterlox, Dalys, or other tung oils containing resin additives)
Semi-Gloss urethene varnish
Can I use
Boiled Linseed oil
Pure Tung oil or Wattyl Estapol Tung oil
Wattyl Estapol Satin PolyU
PS I have a a bottle of boiled linseed oil, Wattyl Estapol tung oil and Wattyl Estapol Satin polyu alreday.
8th January 2007, 02:33 PM
Use tung or linseed theres no need to mix, but you can if you want.
The driers in the poly are what set it.
Linseed is usually a bit yellower than tung, thats about the main difference.
8th January 2007, 05:50 PM
The Maloof mix I have is:
1/3 tung oil
1/3 boiled linseed
1/3 'glossy' varnish
He says to use it on timbers not prone to splotching.
8th January 2007, 06:09 PM
Radiata has a reputation for blotching but the 1:1:1 mix gives great results