View Full Version : Per stump costs Melbourne

4th January 2007, 07:04 PM
We're starting the process of major renovations and i have searched this forum on restumping costs and possible good trades. I've had a few quotes ranging between $70- $83 per stump . I have around 100 stumps . Just wondering if this about right or not ? On the archicentre price guide it talks about around $43-65 ( But might be out of date). Last thing i want is a cheap job as were planning to stay a long time and the post restumping renovations are major.

Opinions Please


5th January 2007, 07:40 AM
Hi Cruncher ... it sounds a touch expensive but I'm comparing to the house I did a year ago and I'm not sure how many stumps that was. The job I'm thinking of was a two bed plus study period house, very low to the ground and in some places they had to go through the floor for access ... i.e. wasn't the easiest job! That was around the $5k mark.

I did get a few quotes at the time and there were fairly major variences ... it can be drastically affected by how busy they are at the time.

5th January 2007, 10:12 AM
Dont go for Mr Dodgy El Cheapo. I got about 6 quotes and the ones who didnt come across as dodgy were roughly the same price. It was like they were colluding.


5th January 2007, 02:49 PM
Thanks OBBob and cobber for your replies. I'm getting a couple more quotes but I have a feeling that as you mentioned cobber that for some its seems a bit of collusion is going on . This is turning into a bigger/longer decision than the builder for the main renovation !!

I'm not disappointed just spurred on by the challenge.<O:p</O:p

5th January 2007, 03:00 PM
Cruncher ... it is a hard one I'm affraid. I agree with Cobber, you don't want the dodgy one but it can also be hard to work out if the professional looking company is just nice brochures or if you are getting more. I actually went for one of the cheaper of my quotes and the guy was pretty dirty and rough but the job was great. I was also clear on the depth I expected the holes to be and that any rotten bearers were to be replaced and that plenty of concrete was used to backfil. It took them a couple of days, so I was past a few times to check the depths and the other work.

5th January 2007, 03:12 PM

We had all manner of odd quotes differing by over a $1000 by the time it was all said and done. In the end we just let the dog decide. Truly. If she didn't growl when they came around the back yard, - they got the job. That dog could sniff out a dodgie brothers tradie!


5th January 2007, 03:13 PM
Maybe you shoul be renting put your dog?? There'd be plent of work for it through this site!

5th January 2007, 03:24 PM
For the record, we paid about $60 a stump about 5 years ago. The company we used was CJ Daniels PH: 93709008. They did a very good job on the restumping, levelling the floors up again nicely. However we also got them to do a new stump job and they did make a bit of a blunder with that which luckily we caught in time. They didn't read the plans properly and had omitted to dig stump holes for 6 stumps. They also put a couple of stumps a little far apart for our liking but the building inspector said that he was happy with it and he knew their work and it was generally very good.

journeyman Mick
5th January 2007, 03:53 PM
I doubt very much the blokes are colluding. It's usually just market forces and competing for the same jobs that hones the prices to around the same level. I did a quote on a bathroom reno a few years ago and the client, who'd been happy with all my previous quotes thought it too high. She got someone else to quote it and there was exactly $20 difference. This was on a job that was in the $5k - $10K range. We didn't collude, we were both keenly pricing the same job and probably using the same suppliers. Price too high you won't get the jobs, price too low you'll win most of them but make no money. Obviously you want to price as high as you can while still winning enough jobs.
