View Full Version : Covering dark paint marks

4th January 2007, 03:03 PM
Hello All,

This forum is the best, I have learnt so much! But as for the comments about getting the wife to clean the paint brushes :oo: You must be joking !!! That surely must be mans work :U ..

I am painting my daughters room and some of the dark purple paint bled under the masking tape onto the main wall area :doh: .. (I think next time I will just cut in and get a better result).. anyway.. will an oil based undercoat conceal it? The top coat is a pale lilac so there is no way it will cover on its own..

Advice would be greatly appreciated.. :C :C


6th January 2007, 06:08 PM
You probably used a a cheap masking tape. I'll never try to save pennies that way again. If they're not letting paint bleed under them, then they're lifting the paint off on removal. 3M makes the best making tapes and there's a dozen different types for all sorts of different applications and surfaces.
As for what to do, I'm not a painter, but enough coats of lilac would cover it eventually. Just keep touching it up with a brush until it's covered before you paint the whole wall. If it was a biro mark it would be another matter. Ink just keeps bleeding through acrylic paint even after ten coats or more.
Otherwise, you could scrape it or sand it off and skim over any damage with some plasterboard top coat or cornice cement or Pollyfiller if you've got some handy. Instant fix and ready to paint.