View Full Version : approx costs to relocate vehicle crossover?

22nd December 2006, 11:33 PM
Hi all, I'm doing some planning around a block of land that i will be building on in the new year. I'm still in the early stages but would like to know what kind of costs I would be up for if I needed to move the vehicle crossover from one side of the block to the other. Standard crossover, nothing fancy. Would need to tear up the existing crossover and repair the curb, and then pour concrete on the opposite side of the nature strip.

I may not need it, but some of the design ideas I have make more sense with the garage on the other side of the block.

Hope someone can help.

23rd December 2006, 06:19 AM
Crossover? ahh did a google and found out about it. Best idea would be to call the local council and tell them you need to relocate the crossover to coincide with new dwelling you are about to build on your block. Hell they might even do it for you. I am sure you will need to inform them of the impending change as they are the ones responsible for the area from your water metre to the road front.


23rd December 2006, 02:25 PM
You'll need to get a permit from the council for moving your driveway and then construct it according to their specifications.

As to cost contact a few local concretors, they would know what is required and give you an approx. cost.


23rd December 2006, 02:55 PM
Are you intending to undertake any of the work yourself or will you use a contractor?

Concut Saw Hire, Excavator, truck to remove old concrete gutter and footpath, disposal fees, FCR base, compactor, mesh & deformed bar, chairs, joint foam, concrete, concrete finisher.

$3,000 plus.

23rd December 2006, 04:09 PM
I went through the same process about 18 month ago. The cheapest quote was from my local council (Perth). Putting price aside, the Council has strict requirements on the construction of a crossover, so I thought it wise to let them do it. In addition, I was delighted to discover that under Council regulations I was entitled to a 50% subsidy (my share was payable in advance). The subsidy was available irrespective of whether the Councill did the job or some other contractor.

My share of the cost was $850.00, which included ripping up the old single asphalt crossover, laying a double concrete crossover (approximately 7m x 5.5m) and repairs to the curb.

The only negative was a long delay in getting the job done. I think the Council collates a number of concreting jobs and then gets an overall quote – that’s probably why my job was relatively cheap.

I am very pleased with the final result.

23rd December 2006, 06:53 PM
We added another metre or so to ours and you are looking at about $1000 just for that. to do a whole crossover would be more like KevM said, $3,000 plus.

24th December 2006, 03:37 PM
Thanks all. $3k sounds about right. Am well aware that it will will need council approval etc, just trying to put together some budget numbers

24th December 2006, 04:38 PM
Man am I glad I don't live in town. When I built my place out in the sticks I just cut the fence put in two strainer posts and a 14 foot gate. My father in law got the local council grader driver to run a ramp in off the highway through the gate and graded a road right up to the house (100 metres) for the cost of a slab.

A few years later the RTA bituminized my ramp from the road to the gate whilst they were widening the road for nothing.

My rates are only $90.00 a quarter and because I'm on the pension it only costs me half of that for 5 acres of land.

Tamworth Regional Council just put everyone living in town or any of the villages in the area on level 3 water restrictions and you can only water the garden with a bucket and you can't use a hose to fill the bucket in fact people have been told to lock their hoses away so there is no suspicion of their use so as not to get fined.

I have a permanent spring filtered through granite sand running into a water hole dug for me by a RTA backhoe contractor for the cost of some fresh garden vegetables.

The other good thing is living out here my nearest neighbour is my brother in law who lives 2 klms away and he can't even hear anything when I turn on any noisy machinery.

24th December 2006, 04:57 PM
Sounds like my place Barry, we wanted a bigger backyard so we just moved some fences:D :D :D
Also considering moving the front gate to make access easier, wish I only paid $90 a quarter though:(
No crossovers though as we have a dirt edge on the road.